Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Let me think a bit more about this first. :)
Midst of studying for my last paper on Sat morning and the jobhunt. Taking my time, but not sure what I should apply for. Haven't exactly looked at the HR postings yet. Maybe I should start looking there soon.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
It went pretty well I think... or so I hope. And it's probably the first time in a long while that I prepared so much for a presentation and did up cue cards - insteead of writing my script out. I can't even remember when was that last time I used the cue cards...
Slowly floating back to earth... 1 more paper and 2 more exams to study for.. and I don't even know when my first exam is on. How brilliant...
But.. i'm still busy with school stuff... will try to retain those memories and blog them down later..
I'm preparing for my last presentation in SMU.. and it's MAJOR... Oral defense for my thesis.. May my brain be able to work at 9am tomorrow and I hope my examiners won't throw me tough questions that I can't answer.
Oh.. another reason why I'm blogging this...
Random trivial:
Just read that Jay (Chou) stayed up till 6am the night before his Taipei concert. And he was sick. Plus, right after that, he filmed 通宵 for the MV for one of his songs - i think it's 扯 - before heading over to China to do sth else.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Am writing up my thesis now. Started 2 days agom still writing due ot distractions like Viwawa, erm... viwawa and more viwawa. (Check it out if you dunno what it is yet! )
Ya... and as I write, I have stacks of papers on both sides of the laptops. Most of them are journal articles... or hastily scribbled notes/outlines for particular sections... I would turn to a pile, flip through them, get some inspiration... and then continue writing... and I actually enjoy it... I like it when words flow.. but I've been stuck for the past 1 hour... I need to finish this section.. and another one... by tonight. How?
I know what to write, but not that sure how to write it. shows that I don't really read the discussion section of journal articles very carefully...
Moved house last Monday or Tuesday depending on how you look at it. The place still smells of newness... I have a prety unblocked view from my room. Neat! :) Now.. to finish the thesis so that I can unpack properly...
Saturday, March 08, 2008
This week has gone by in a blink of an eye... Ok.. I felt that this week was so much mroe relaxing than my break week... Hurhurhur... had time to chill, do my own stuff... Maybe a normal school week is better...
Thursday, March 06, 2008
All not very good excuses for not blogging huh? What about just not feeling like? Since there is nothing very much interesting going on in my life except for school work... The job hunt is not moving very well and I don't really have the time nor mood to really start looking... and the one mega thinge... I'm moving in mid March!!!
Ok.. So I did spent a couple of days here and there packing my stuff into boxes. Well.. it's been certified. I'm a hoarder... Tons of stuff that I packed away into my cupboards, never really knowing they were there until I start digging them out.
Was supposed to go to school today.. but I decided to clear out a cupboard until I forgot the time. and then decided it was too late to go down... Heh... I found boxes of the letters we exchanges in secondary school (I have a shoe box and a test tube box full of them!) Christmas/Birthday/Festive/Just-to-say-Hi cards from beloved friends. Programme booklets of concerts I attended and the list goes on...
Packing also unearthed some of my grandmother's treasures. Scraps of clothes that she had cut into squares and triagles, so that she could painstakingly sew them into a patchwork blanket/quilt for us. Looking at old photos of me when I was a wee little tot... More photos of grandma. Miss her so much! :)
It's gonna be a somewhat hellish 3 weeks... Rush data, rush thesis, rush ethics presentation, rush packing. Best to enjoy my last sem as much as I can.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The topic is interesting. A word limit of 600 doesn't get me very far even though I have different things to explore.
Busy busy busy. Preparing for thesis... running thesis, rushing presentation for Psych of reasoning... running studies. It's a vicious cycle I say.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Well.. one week ago, I went for HIS concert!
Hahaha.. this is what seats at ROW 6 yielded! Hahaha... to be able to see him walk past you like barely one metre away and the chance to his sleeve... as that's what Yuanshan did... Yeah... just wanted to note that I was at Row 6!!!
Ya... so I spent the past 1 week in lala Jay Chou land... but I'm glad to say I'm snapping out of it... After a mega Jay Chou ktv session with the gassy gals...
So... on the school front, I'm proud to say that the first draft of my Thesis study is up!!! Yep! managed to put the study on this computer programme... SO just need to troubleshoot it, make it more aesthetically pleasing and I'm ready to run my study!!! yeah!!!
Taking 3 mods makes me more slack... Or rather, it gives me the illusion that I have a lot of free time! But at least I make use of some of them to do my Ethics reading... I think Ethics is a rather 'crappable' subject... Give a company an ethical dilemma.... and then... who to consider? why should you consider this and why not that.... Principles and theories...
For Psych of Reasoning and Thinking, we have to read 1 journal article a week... and then prepare a presentation explaining the study conducted in the article. We would then be randomly picked to present the article. I was 'lucky' enough to be randomly chosen to present for the past 2 weeks liao...
Ok.. ending this post with yet another of the pics taken... I dunno whether I love my camera more or the seats I had. Hahahaha...

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Been on a Jay Chou high after going for Jay Chou's concert on Friday night. And been prettty obsessed with it for the past two days. (try going on youtube to search for a million and one fanclips). It doesn't help that we discussed him when we met yesterday. Hahaha... Wild thoughts of getting to meet him or sth has been flitting in and out of my mind. (Never thought I could be so crazy over a celebrity.. hurhurhur...)
Need to shift my attention to some other stuff. Maybe I should go to town and return my library books (in the hope of being able to meet him! Wahahahhas...) Like Siyi said, I'm gone!
On another note, went to the career fair yesterday. Eh.. nothing much lor... I felt pretty much cheated. I might as well have applied for the jobs online. Other than that, week 3 of school is starting now. In the midst of getting my study up...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Mabel, Ade and Siyi... with our boarding passes for a ride...
And here's Sleeping Beauty's castle all lighted up. They set of fireworks at 8pm everynight.. Beautiful! S omagical.. but yeah.. you can just spend half a afternoon there. So I dun think the entrance ticket will be very much worth it. But then again, it is nice to go and see them... Some sort of a childhood thingee...

Watched the seal and dolphin shows. I heart dolphins! And the good thing was that we did not have to queue very long for the rides. So yep... we took the roller coasters and what not...

And then Ocean Park was also where we got Bat Man and Schwein, seen on the left and right shoulder of gingerbread man respectively.
Ok... so much for the fun thingee... what about food? Heh... loads and loads of desserts.
But first.. the main course...

What else have I been busy with? Nothing much actually. I got a new phone! Wahahahhas.. it's a Motorola v9. Pretty ok.. and I like it cause its slick and I like the rather unique mahagony colour.
I finally got approval to run my thesis study! Whoots!!! Haven't been that excited at receiving an email for some time liao. Cause I have been worried that they would reject the proposal and stuff. But all's well in the end!
A whole new sem ahead.. looking forward to meet some people whom I haven't seen in a while. Yeah.. that means you Val! Hahaha.. taking modules with many friends I've made over the past 3.5 years, every class is like a gathering. Here's to a funfilled sem!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I was just looking through my archives... I've been blogging for 4 and a half years. That's quite a lot of things to say. From the 2nd half of my JC years to now, when I'm entering my last sem at Uni.
Well.. wishes for the new year...
- I guess to be more focussed - work on my thesis and the last 3 modules of my undergrad life
- To find a job - hoping, wishing, maybe an overseas posting? More importantly though, I hope it is work that I enjoy and in a company where I will be given opportunities to grow.
- To better appreciate and love the people around me - family, friends.
- Try not to procrastinate too much...
And now... looking back at 2007 so that I can draw a close to the year...
Having spent almost 5 months out of Singapore, I guess the highlight of the year would be my exchange to Switzerland... Looking at these pics of gorgeous scenary never fails to make me smile... :)
Bellinzona - in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland.
Interlaken, Switzerland
And then, there's the thrill of working on my senior thesis albeit all the hard work. Getting approval, working out the kinks and details... another sem to slog it out...
My recent trip to Hongkong with Siyi and Ade, meeting Mabel there and meeting up with Sea and Charlotte, friends I met on exchange. Heh... Watching Jay Chou which set me off on a mini Jay Chou craze...
And I think more importantly, having quite a bit of 'me-time' for December. So apologies if I seem anti-social and stuff. First, I got a handphone that loses my smses and can't msg very well. But I had time to recharge and slack... A wonderful Christmas and New Year.
And now.. onward to a New Year! I just have to settle that dratted IRB application... heh...