Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm tired. I want to go home.

I can't.

Make up class.

Exhausted, Fatigued

Halloween party. not going.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's freaky. I didn't check my mail for like from 10 this morning till like just and I got 38 new mails. Bah.. endless spamming...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

P1: Everything on the Internet is a the public domain.
P2: A non-privatised blog is put on the internet
C: The non-privatised blog is on a public domain

if it is a private blog, privatised it!

Just some AS thoughts and comments after reading about blogging issues.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

it's been a while...

Sports Awards Night is done and over. A great experience, I think Yishan's, Damon's and my heart stopped a few times that night when there were unexpected glitches while the programme was running. Playing with music, lights, mic running out of battery. Yet, when the confetti gun was popped at around 930pm that night, the feelings were overwhelming.

Ok.. there was the 'OMG! It's over feeling', the 'Thank God we survived... (and pretty well I think)', the 'Yay! It's finally over!' and the 'Shit! How are we supposed to clear up all the confetti?'

But it wsa a good working experience.

Sat.. I slept my day away. Make up for the lack of sleep ma...

After that, life pretty much settled into a routine. Work work and more work...

Friday, October 20, 2006

There is a first time for everything.

I'm still in school at 2.41am!!! Wahahhas... No.. not crazy, not staying over. I'm leaving school at like 2.50 am. and I have a 830 class tomorrow.

Well, rehearsal for Sports awards Night went ok.. but stayed back to clear a million and one things so that tmr won't screw up. Hahaha... tataz...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I have a horrifyingly short attention span. Have bee ntrying to write my DMA report since 7. And it's not that I'm not writing it, but I'm spending more time clicking around and on irrelevant stuff before like typing a few lines here and there.

Waking up at 7 to do work is quite a nice feeling actually. Really. Plus the fact that there is a deadline breathing down my neck. But hey.. as long as I get it in today, anything goes right? Hahaha...

Good thing is I looked through the results and know what I want to put into my report. Thus, it's only piecing them together. Bad news... I realised I'm a big big big procrastinator. I got the assignment 2 weeks ago. and yet, i chose to do it last minute. What's new?

Monday, October 16, 2006

MSN has been logging me in and out.

Struggling to do my lab report. And i didn't bring my PA manual to school. So I don't really know what to add in.

*chants* After Friday... After Friday... After Friday... After Friday...
Decided to overhaul my skin. Yeah.. sth like my 'annual' spring cleaning. Can't remember when I last changed it though.

A far cry from the last one which was bright and cheery. But I like this one. It screams dark, it gives me the impression of being deep in thought, pondering over the complexities of life? Yet, it is not something that is sad or sombre. and I like the sphere thingee in the pic. Oh.. and I tried something with my comments thingee. Added a picture. Except that is comes out too big. Do let me know if you would prefer me to remove it.

不知不觉,我已经 blog 了三年多。时间过得真快。看回以前写的东西,不禁笑了起来。 刚开始写时,我还在读高二。那时还是要面临会考。太久没和华文字联络了。写了以上几句也觉得曼辛苦的。Forget it! I should just back and do Mandarin 101 or sth.

Anyway, those were the days when I was still logging into ICQ!!! Blogged about the finals of Choir competition, and cheering when tuition got cancelled (I noticed I blogged about it at least twice, guess it showed how much i dreaded physics). Those were the days I woke up at 10 to study and I considered that late! Hahaha... memories...

Somehow, I think I have the knack of doing the wrong things at the wrong time.

Friday, October 13, 2006

I don't feel like doing my work.

And I am packed till end of term break week.

bye bye term break. :(

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Today is my declared 'Stay at home' day. Actually technically not since I'll be going out for dinner to celebrate my sis' bday. But it's still better than nothing.

It's getting increasingly difficult to grab those few precious hours to myself. I went to bed at 12 last night. and woke up at like 10 plus 11? Hmmm.. must be trying to clear all that sleep debt accumulated from Social Science Retreat.

Over the weekend, I felt as if I didn't have control of my life. I was just at specific place at specific times due to prior commitments, responsibility and what not. Driving on Sat afternoon which I booked for some time ago. Yeah.. I went out despite the stupid PSI hitting 150. and had a horrendous driving lesson which eroded whatever confidence I felt prior to my test.

after that, it was nua-ing a bit at home. and for overlooking the fact that Meiju's concert started at 7 instead of 730. So ya.. I was still happily packing my bag when Qinny called to asked where I was. Dragged myself for the concert, but I didn't regretted it. Hearing the original compositions by Paul, Eugene, 9K and Junjie... I felt a tinge of regret that mine wasn't up there. But I know that if I had tried to rush it, I would have been unable to juggle that many things. Oh well, "On a Whim' may be truly finished some time in future. But I never regretted going for the course. Met nice people, and learnt a lot. When your dreams were about to become reality, it just feel so surreal. To find out that my composition would actually be played at a concert. But it was too little too late. And i didn't have the energy to push through.

And then... Social Science Retreat. It was absolutely rocking fun! I feel that the Society will be in VERY good hands judging from the people who were there. They had so much heart! And truly, we have branded Social Science as a very 'family-oriented' faculty. To hear all 9 applicants who were there saying the same thing. I had this wild thought to even cancel my driving test to stay on for their 2nd day of teambuilding activities. This was how much I heart them. Yeah.. thankfully, my dearest social science gals talked me out of it.. Hahaha.. Yeah.. must have been a bit too crazy after the lack of sleep and the exhausting activities.

"SSS Love" (Share the Shit, Spread the LOVE!)

Monday.. driving test... I thank everyone for your calls, messages and wishes. I just felt so warm. :) And then.. yada yada.. I'm sure half the world knows i've passed now. And the thing is, I haven't even set foot into the family car yet. Sigh...

And then.. after meetings yesterday, today, I'm at home. With two projects and a proposal to be done by tomorrow. Oh well.. let me bask in the feeling of slacking for a while more. Ok.. that's what I've been doing from the time I woke up till now.

and then... to look forward, Switzerland next year. part of me is so so excited, I really wanna hop on a plane over now. On the other hand, it's a shitload of money. New experiences to try out, new places to go. Planning for trips to other countries, to visit friends in Europe. I'm worried I can't pull it off. It's just so exciting!

Let's see where I wanna go...
Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic-Prague and Hungary-Budapest)
France - Paris and Normandy?
and definitely Venice!, throwing in Rome/Vatican City.

and I heard that Belgium is nice too, plus Barcelona and not to mention, to travel around Switzerland.

Ok.. I really seriously need loads of moolah to pull this off! Maybe I need a sugar daddy. Hahahaha... or to seriously work my ass off from Dec to Feb. :) I guess I'll choose the latter.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


After the 3rd time... YEAH!!!

Ok.. my left leg cramped a bit.. so i couldn't really control a bit. And the testor's comment was like... "very jerky, clutch control not very good". Hahaha... And my test-route changed cause of some construction/road works. So I ended up on a slope half the time. and did quite a fair bit of using handbrake and stuff...

And 2 driving school cars stalled in front of me!

And I went for Sharon's 21st after that! Good food, great company. Thanks Sharon!

And I came home.. and spent 2 hours clearing emails.. Just drafting mails, replying, deletingstuff.. whatever.. Sianz...

Term break week doesn't really feel like term break week. It just seems like a week without lessons, but life in school still goes on with people doing events and stuff. I'm too tired to be coherent...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

a long weekend ahead. 2 reports to email to proj group mates, a 3D 2 N retreat in a couple of hours time, Meiju's concert (all the best gal!), not to mention sth big happening on Monday.

I see my break week shaping up.. with project meetings and stuff. Shall keep at least 1 day free to nua at home. :) Let's see how possible it is.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I. hate. politics. miscommunication. and. inefficiency.

Most of all, I hate being stuck in the middle of a combination of the above 3... 'nuff said.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I don't feel like dragging myself to school...

Class in 35 mins...

*after reading 2 happy posts... I think I'll post sth about the long long lunch I had at Sakae on Monday.*
I thought I would take a nap before embarking on my social cognition articles. But no... The world was dead to me until 830 this morning. But it was a good sleep. More than what I've had for the past 2 days.

It's interesting how people in my generation (as opposed to my parent's generation) have grown up and lived with computer terms like pdf, blog, spyware, html... It's like... automatically, we would open pdf files with adobe, navigate though webpages with ease, change codes... whatever. Was helping my dad with his work just now. And he was puzzled as to why his pdf file came out gibberish in Word. and I didn't know how to explain because it seemed 'duh'. But then looking back, my parents did not have the luxury of growing up with a computer. Hell.. I dun think computers were invented yet or was produced for the mass market until much later. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, the first computer was this srt of equipments which took up one whole room in UPenn. :) (credits to intro psych)

Just thought it'll be interesting to blog this observation down. If I ever decide to read thru my archives when I'm 50 years old, maybe I can appreciate why my kids would be staring at me, shaking their heads at what I thought is an innocent question when it's all that they have grown up with.

School side... Awards Night coming up in 2 weeks. A almost non-existent break next week. But I'll really like to go back to St Nicks. (What morning/afternoon can NUS ppl make it? Fri?). A trip to settlers? KTV? and interperse that with research for individual papers, meetings to beat deadlines and Awards Night rehearsals.

Monday, October 02, 2006

tired tired tired. I can't believe its week 7 already. I'm blogging in school and going off in a while cause my mum just screamed at me for staying so late. I have meetings to do, stuff to clear and once I go home, I'll most prob hit my bed.

Reason being I slept very little last night. And when Gillian does not get enough sleep, she is easily irritated by the slightest things, go manically crazy when talking to her friends and cannot think coherently. and that explains why I'm still in school.

Had fun chatting with Val and Zhumei... just like the old times at PA. questioning, grilling. Wahahahas... let's meet up soon again

Thanks to all who heard me whine today. And for the two sparks that brightened up my day immediately while attempting a 3-way conference call. It. was. hilarious. And I immediately felt much much better and cheerier!