Saturday, January 27, 2007

Packing is still incomplete cause I haven't touched it since I stacked it up a couple of days ago.

Well, haven't been blogging about this, but as the Australian Open - the first grand slam of the year draws to a close (finals being played over the next 2 days), I'm thinking if I should go watch the French Open when I happen to be in the region some time in May. Wahahahs... Allow me to indulge in a little tennis ramble...
Maybe cause Justine Henin (formerly Henin-Hardenne) didn't play this year, I haven't been as avid fan as I could be. Everything seems a little flat. Like how things do not seem that competitive especially in the later stages where things were supposed to heat up.

Andy Roddick, who had been playing well in the earlier rounds lost meekly to Roger Federer, 6-4, 6-0, 6-2 *ouch~!~*
Or that the woman final is being contested by 2 great players (Maria Sharapova vs. Serena Williams), but who both just happens to be not my cup of tea. Sigh... I still think Maria is over-rated. Yes... she's young, majority of the world thinks she's pretty, she does play rather impressive tennis.. but no... something about her just irks me. Maybe it's how she seems to *diao* her opponents, her being the media and sponsor's darling...

But I do like the 2 finalists for the men finals though...
Fernando Gonzalez of Chile
Roger Federer of Switz (Woots!)
My brain says Fed would win but my heart says Gonzo.

Ok.. enough tennis talk... tis late...

... and Happy Birthday Fran!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I've been packing my stuff this afternoon. Nope.. not so ks lar.. not preparing for the trip yet, but filing away notes and stuff from last term. Yes... I'm slow... I just did it..

Anyway, the amount of journal articles I've amassed amazes me... I think I printed like 9 diff papers on one single topic that I based my term paper on. Woah... not to mention readings for class...

And as I was reading through a term paper I wrote, I kinda shocked myself at what I was writing. I had no idea I could write like that. Wahahahs.. sounds haolian right? Dunno leh... I dun think it was a fantastic piece given that I do spot errors here and there... and that some phrasing just makes me cringe. But over all, I can't imagine I wrote like 3000 over words. I wonder how i thought about those things to come up with something coherent.

Oh wells... should hurry and finish packing. Am going for CIP tmr morning... and then, meeting Fran for lunch... and going for a briefing at 7. Time to drag the lazy self out of the house after nua-ing at home for the last few days.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Enjoying my faux summer hols...

Waking up late, not much worries, going shopping when I want to... Hey.. even my face is clearing up! Heez...

But it's just weird... given that almost everyone is in school. So less people to go out with, less things to do... and the weather's not helping. It's sunny one day, rainy the next... and I dun exactly like going out on rainy days. It's cold and dreary... and I get wet even though I have an umbrella. How about that?

Next aim: Maybe to sleep earlier and get rid of my eyebags.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I am getting increasingly frustrated with my internet connection. It has been crawling for the past few days. Sigh... I'm not sure if it's cause of the pages I'm loading or what. But sometimes, it feels like I'm on a modem all over again.

Meanwhile, life's been good. Went bowling on Sat morning where I *ahem* didn't do very well. Was throwing gutterball more than hitting the pins. And well, it was like a school competition. (so malu~!~) So the bunch of Social Science gals were like bowling with 13 other teams made up of random people. Hahaha.. and we were top from the bottom. ><. Oh.. but Mabel his a turkey-that is like 3 strikes in a row, in the last frame of the 2nd game. Wow!!!!

Other than that, I'm just hanging around, going out to buy stuff, preparing my packing list and stuff. Maybe I need a mor eeventful life. :)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Is it me or is this year's Project Superstar not as hyped up as last year? And me thinks the contestants are not as good too. Hmmmz.... *thinks*

Idol's back. I'm kinda losing interest. Like how I didn't follow last season's at all. Then again. May not be a good idea to follow it. What if I don't get Idol on TV in Switz?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

just sat in for class today. Cultural psychology! Heavy heavy readings, but at least they are interesting!

But again, I ended up doing other random stuff in class with my laptop on. Not paying 100% attention. Well, at least 50% of the things went in i guess. Not in the swing of things with the 4 or 5 mods a sem work load. Just throttling along on my slow engine.

I shall resolve to do my readings and pay more attention in class next week. :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

It's raining AGAIN! Day in day out... Well, at least I'm home and not out like on Friday.

It's been quite a week, being out everyday, running errands like reformatting my laptop and fixing my phone.

There's been a nagging problem with my keypad for some time. Can't seem to press the buttons '1' and '9' properly - according to them, keypad is insensitive. And when I went to collect my phone, i thought the conversation the staff and I had was quite dumb.

The staff told me that they had to 'resolder' something back on. And so I asked, 'what?'. They couldn't answer me. Just that it was something. When I asked her what was wrong, she just kinda gave me a dumbfounded look. Oh wells... not expecting her to rattle on the super technical part, but I thought she could at least tell me what could have caused the problem. Nah.. just they they had to resolder something back on. Insightful.

People are leaving/have left for exchange. Me, still hanging around. It's another 8 and a half weeks before I fly. Not long ago, it was 11. it's kinda scary how time passes by so quickly. On another note, I bought this language thinge where I'm supposed to learn German in 30 days. Hope I can speak some decent German by the time I get over.

Anyway, my weeks are quite occupied. Wed and Thurs mornings, I go down to RDA to do my CIP. Basically, it's watching out for disabled kids who are attending the riding lessons. Somehow, my heart aches at the thought of them - being unable to support themselves, comprehend instructions. Like a fellow volunteer said of one kid, it went along the lines of 'There is nothing wrong with his brain, when I look at him in the eyes, I can see a connection. It's just that he is unable to articulate or command his body to do certain things'

I hope they will all make it and overcome their disabilities cause I've also seen how riders who have attended more than 1 term be able to follow instructions and articulate what they want.

But since it's bene raining, the arena where they have they lessons are quite muddy. Yeah... so I've got muddy shoes now. Hope it stops raining soon.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I am upset.

I should not have borrowed Harry Potter's Order of Phoenix and Half Blood Prince. Now I have to wait like eons for the last book to be out. I knew there was a reason why I stopped reading Harry Potter - I didn't want to wait too long for the book. And the wait between book 4 (Goblet of Fire) and book 5 (Order of the Phoenix) kinda killed my interest. Yet... after reading these two, or rather, one and a half books, my interest in the world of magic, muggles, Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione and Ron got ignited once again.

And now... I have to wait for the last book. Starting surfing around for some info. Looks like Rowling has loads of loose ends to tie up. Maybe the book will be like a thousand pages long? Hahaha... and it's not even out!!!

Ok... I haven't technically finished Half Blood Prince yet. But I read the last few chapters. My heart wrenches. Argh.... WHY??? *wails....*

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Biopsych lecture at NUS was... a reminiscence of JC life. It's been well, some time since I've been in a lecture hall with hundred over ppl. (Well, the media conference didn't really count i guess) and we realised it had been 5 years since we had class together (2002 ~ 2006) and this also marked the first time that all three of us attended a lecture together. Wahahahs...

Lecture was fine, for the first hour anyway. As the lecturer started droning on about history of biopsych, my mind drifted off and i started doodling. after a while, i was just glancing at the digital clock in the front of the LT, willing for the numbers to jump faster. Then i wondered... what do i do during 3 hour seminars? Ok... maybe I shall find out on Friday whe nI go for cognitive psych. Once i decide to wake up early enough to attend 830 class.

Funny that i dun think of SMU seminars as 'seminar's, but as class. No distinctions between lectures and tutorials either. Hahaha... Oh.. met up with Char as well... who happened to be around school! yay!!!

Anyway, walked vivo since Siyi had a un-crashable class as it was in a classroom, very packed and anyway, was feeling a bit 'seh-ed' after the lecture. (well, Angie claims its the burger at Macs that we had... nvm). Well, covered more of vivo than I ever had. and here I am, back home.

Been out a lot the last few days/weeks. Settling stuff for exchange like getting my debit card done, fixing my phone before warranty runs out. Things i'll have to do would be to reformat my laptop on Thurs afternoon, erm... and change my passport photo since the immigration officer did tell me that if I didn't change my photo the next time, I'll probably won't be allowed to leave Singapore. Ok... I guess that's cause it was a photo from like primary school. Hahaha... or maybe Sec sch. Can't remember.

Long days this week. Tmr... I start my weekly comm service. Every Wed and Thurs morning for 10 weeks. And then, internship briefing on Thurs evening. Well, i technically dun have to go for it since I've already done it. But nvm... time to meet up with ppl!!!

Getting tired. Sometimes, i just want to sleep in. stay home. I've just been out like forever...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

My first post of the year... although slightly late.

But here's hoping everyone has a great year ahead. Stay happy! Have Fun! and may everything be smooth sailing. :)

Not bothering about school when everyone is in the midst of bidding and preparing for school feels surreal and a bit weird. Like not having to check which SRs/CRs where I'll be having class. yadayadayadayada...

had a great end of the year with more food. *I really should go and exercise more. Gym or swims anyone?* Stayover cum movie marathon with Gassy gals... Gosh.... I love you all!!! and I wanna watch Death Note 2 soon... errr... Watching The Holiday which was fine, but not fantastic. As in it's just sweet and nice, one of those feel-good movies... not epics like whatever...