Sunday, March 23, 2008

This i gotta document... bits and pieces of undergraduate life to store and file away...

Am writing up my thesis now. Started 2 days agom still writing due ot distractions like Viwawa, erm... viwawa and more viwawa. (Check it out if you dunno what it is yet! )

Ya... and as I write, I have stacks of papers on both sides of the laptops. Most of them are journal articles... or hastily scribbled notes/outlines for particular sections... I would turn to a pile, flip through them, get some inspiration... and then continue writing... and I actually enjoy it... I like it when words flow.. but I've been stuck for the past 1 hour... I need to finish this section.. and another one... by tonight. How?

I know what to write, but not that sure how to write it. shows that I don't really read the discussion section of journal articles very carefully...

Moved house last Monday or Tuesday depending on how you look at it. The place still smells of newness... I have a prety unblocked view from my room. Neat! :) Now.. to finish the thesis so that I can unpack properly...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

hmmm.. for some weird reason or other, i don't see my newest post when i visit my blog.. but I know you all have commented... so I guess as long as u all can see it, it's fine! :)

This week has gone by in a blink of an eye... Ok.. I felt that this week was so much mroe relaxing than my break week... Hurhurhur... had time to chill, do my own stuff... Maybe a normal school week is better...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The past few weeks have been busy with me running my study to collect data for my thesis, going for networking in week 8 and rushing my Wednesday presentations.

All not very good excuses for not blogging huh? What about just not feeling like? Since there is nothing very much interesting going on in my life except for school work... The job hunt is not moving very well and I don't really have the time nor mood to really start looking... and the one mega thinge... I'm moving in mid March!!!

Ok.. So I did spent a couple of days here and there packing my stuff into boxes. Well.. it's been certified. I'm a hoarder... Tons of stuff that I packed away into my cupboards, never really knowing they were there until I start digging them out.

Was supposed to go to school today.. but I decided to clear out a cupboard until I forgot the time. and then decided it was too late to go down... Heh... I found boxes of the letters we exchanges in secondary school (I have a shoe box and a test tube box full of them!) Christmas/Birthday/Festive/Just-to-say-Hi cards from beloved friends. Programme booklets of concerts I attended and the list goes on...

Packing also unearthed some of my grandmother's treasures. Scraps of clothes that she had cut into squares and triagles, so that she could painstakingly sew them into a patchwork blanket/quilt for us. Looking at old photos of me when I was a wee little tot... More photos of grandma. Miss her so much! :)

It's gonna be a somewhat hellish 3 weeks... Rush data, rush thesis, rush ethics presentation, rush packing. Best to enjoy my last sem as much as I can.