Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Today is my declared 'Stay at home' day. Actually technically not since I'll be going out for dinner to celebrate my sis' bday. But it's still better than nothing.

It's getting increasingly difficult to grab those few precious hours to myself. I went to bed at 12 last night. and woke up at like 10 plus 11? Hmmm.. must be trying to clear all that sleep debt accumulated from Social Science Retreat.

Over the weekend, I felt as if I didn't have control of my life. I was just at specific place at specific times due to prior commitments, responsibility and what not. Driving on Sat afternoon which I booked for some time ago. Yeah.. I went out despite the stupid PSI hitting 150. and had a horrendous driving lesson which eroded whatever confidence I felt prior to my test.

after that, it was nua-ing a bit at home. and for overlooking the fact that Meiju's concert started at 7 instead of 730. So ya.. I was still happily packing my bag when Qinny called to asked where I was. Dragged myself for the concert, but I didn't regretted it. Hearing the original compositions by Paul, Eugene, 9K and Junjie... I felt a tinge of regret that mine wasn't up there. But I know that if I had tried to rush it, I would have been unable to juggle that many things. Oh well, "On a Whim' may be truly finished some time in future. But I never regretted going for the course. Met nice people, and learnt a lot. When your dreams were about to become reality, it just feel so surreal. To find out that my composition would actually be played at a concert. But it was too little too late. And i didn't have the energy to push through.

And then... Social Science Retreat. It was absolutely rocking fun! I feel that the Society will be in VERY good hands judging from the people who were there. They had so much heart! And truly, we have branded Social Science as a very 'family-oriented' faculty. To hear all 9 applicants who were there saying the same thing. I had this wild thought to even cancel my driving test to stay on for their 2nd day of teambuilding activities. This was how much I heart them. Yeah.. thankfully, my dearest social science gals talked me out of it.. Hahaha.. Yeah.. must have been a bit too crazy after the lack of sleep and the exhausting activities.

"SSS Love" (Share the Shit, Spread the LOVE!)

Monday.. driving test... I thank everyone for your calls, messages and wishes. I just felt so warm. :) And then.. yada yada.. I'm sure half the world knows i've passed now. And the thing is, I haven't even set foot into the family car yet. Sigh...

And then.. after meetings yesterday, today, I'm at home. With two projects and a proposal to be done by tomorrow. Oh well.. let me bask in the feeling of slacking for a while more. Ok.. that's what I've been doing from the time I woke up till now.

and then... to look forward, Switzerland next year. part of me is so so excited, I really wanna hop on a plane over now. On the other hand, it's a shitload of money. New experiences to try out, new places to go. Planning for trips to other countries, to visit friends in Europe. I'm worried I can't pull it off. It's just so exciting!

Let's see where I wanna go...
Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic-Prague and Hungary-Budapest)
France - Paris and Normandy?
and definitely Venice!, throwing in Rome/Vatican City.

and I heard that Belgium is nice too, plus Barcelona and not to mention, to travel around Switzerland.

Ok.. I really seriously need loads of moolah to pull this off! Maybe I need a sugar daddy. Hahahaha... or to seriously work my ass off from Dec to Feb. :) I guess I'll choose the latter.

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