Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Things like:
1) Fix my lousy phone's keypad
2) Get a job
3) Pack my room
4) Swim more
5) watch full house
6) Watch youtube
7) Finish my internship report. (Yes, Val and Zhumei... I haven't done it YET!) It was due like erm... a couple of months back.
According to my list, here's what happened to the items:
1) Haven't fixed it yet cause I would have ot send my phone to the 'hospital' for 3 days. Need to find 3 days where I don't mind using a lousy standby phone. Maybe when school reopens.
2) Well, I did manage to get a job. So at least that's done. Work ahead...
3) Nope.. my notes are still not filed up. Does clearing up my cupboard (to make way for new clothes) count?
4) No thanks to the weather, didn't spend much time swimming. None at all in fact.
5) Watched half of episode 1 of full house. I think I should really bring it with my to Switzerland to while away any free time I may have. (Later I end up not watching at all! Hahaha...)
6) Spent a grand total of one night youtubing. (which is rather little I would say. Maybe I just have the knack of doing the wrong things at the wrong time. like trying to watch Goong in the midst of the school term with projects and papers piling up or watching xman when I have papers due.)
7) What internship report? Wahahahas... (I shall try to do it before school reopens)
What else did I do?
Went eating at Amoy Street food centre with Meiju and Baoqin. Walked to Maxwell Food Market and went to the stall where I fried our own ham jim bang. Except well, I got a bit freaked out by the oil. It was freaking BLACK lar!!! And I like the sweet potato balls.
Hmmm... Royalties! We can go there and eat one day!!! A lot of food! Maybe we can finally do our food hunt!
Attended a couple of 21st bday parties.
Reconnected with the inner singer in me. Hahaha... ktv session (note: no plural.) Wanna add an 'S' to it before school reopens? And singing carols...
OOohh.. Met up with the gassy gals many many times. nice nice~!~ Makes me realise how little we meet up during school term. It's really nice being with you girls. It's been like 9 years since Sec 1 Truth. Cooking and baking at Mabel's house, shopping for Mabel's present. Today's Boxing Day shopping. Sitting and talking.
Hahaha.. Yeah.. I went shopping today. I got a nice new pair of shoes. I think I have been buying a lot of shoes. Or rather, i usually just buy shoes when I go out. hurhurhur. Saw a nice black dress today. But dun really have a good occassion to wear them. SO nevermind. Shall save up. Cause I'm meeting up with more people in the next few days. Haha...
Oh yeah.. and not forgetting my trip to Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Nice time spent with family!
as the year draws to a close... here's looking forward to the next...
Monday, December 25, 2006
Been out the last few days. Went for Sam's party on the 22nd. Us vjchoir people started singing Christmas carols. Yes.... in SATB and all. It was warm. A sense of familiarity. And well, you just don't forget some things like lyrics. melody and stuff though they were a bit rusty. I miss singing.
and yeah.. I got myself hooked onto mapling again. :) teeheehee...
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hero, Kim Jae Joong
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Maybe I am too ambitious, wanting to go to almost everywhere. Sigh... I wish I have more times. Also, thinking when I should book my return flight back. It's like... I will move out of my hostel on 15th July. So how long do I want to spent lugging my huge luggage around? 2 weeks? or 3? or more? Well, I have like until late August - before school starts. But I do need to settle back in Singapore.
Have been spending the last couple of hours looking at course outlines to look at the courses I am interested in taking, trying to look at air ticket prices, thinking if I should apply for hostel card and stuff. So near yet so far. Most of the friends I know going on exchange will be leaving end of this month or early next month.
Next task: To plan travel plans...
On another random note, I wish it would stop raining soon. Just as soon as the skies start clearing, the rain comes pouring down. It's been a wet day. Nice day to sleep in, and yet, I had ot go out. But I do like the chilly feeling. :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
Tomorrow, or rather, in a few hours time, SMU Rotaract will be going down to conduct a one day fun and experiential learning workshop for a group of children. The last few days were spent preparing/buying logs.
Oh ya.. was also busy looking for wings for Mabel's themed birthday celebration which was held at Mind Cafe yesterday! Shall update later... (Yeah.. I think I owe like 2 entries liaoz)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Haven't really been updating myself with the latest in music. at this rate, I'll end up being stuck in my 1990s-early 2000s music. Wonder how it will be when I go overseas next year. Hmmm... 4 months without keeping track of new songs? I mean like ya... I will go check out albums online. But I think I get introduced to songs more during ktv sessions. Hahaha...
Also looking forward to buying Hacken Lee's Concert Hall 2 album as well. And heez... maybe his concert VCD/DVD.
oooh.. and I'm getting a kick out of trying the new 'Label' thingee from Blogger.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I've been tossing and turning for hours. Managing ro catch like a it of sleep then waking up to longer periods of tossing and turning. Shall try and sleep now.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Got back results of 3 of my 4 mods... Heh... happy with them. :)
Other than that, I may be potentially starting a job soon, Mabel's 21st this weekend. Something on here, there, everywhere... and I still haven't started on youtube craz-ing yet...
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
At 5.05 this afternoon, i finished my last paper (for the term anyway). My grades are both in the prof's hands... and in Whoever-I-believe-in's hands. And I truly believe in miracles.
Just 24 hours ago at 9:36 PM on 30th Nov, I was sitting in a swivel chair in SR 2.2, consolidating my social cognition stuff. Integrating and reading 24 articles and/or mini reports, trying to understand and remember all of them was kinda pure hell. I'm thinkful for study groups. I don't know what would have happened to my social cog today if we did not discuss it.
Left school at 11, had a late late dinner... and then... at 12, MUG HCM! I barely touched it during the study week cause I was doing up a social cog paper and other stuff. YOu can imagine the state I was in. Head swarming with social cognition stuff, methodology of the studies, and still trying to cram in recruitment methods, selection process, interviews and what nots for a 40% paper!!!
I could have DIED!!!
Thanks to all out there who listened to me whine, your smses/hugs/wishes brightened up my day and it did help me survive 2 papers today! Awww... *BIG HUG* I really really appreciate having all of you around...
And I believe in miracles cause I could actually do the HCM paper. Woohoo! NEver again am I going to be so last min. :) I promise myself.
Lastly, I love you Fran!!! For your nice present... and also, for coming early to tell me about Training and Development methods. If not, I could never have done that question! YOu are a good spotter!!!
Hahaha... as I am half packed for Hongkong, I think I shall leave this post as it is now. Will update more when I get back. 1 glorious month of holiday~!~
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
My life revoles round mugging, drifting off, forcing myself to mug, playing games after a while, drifting off and going to sleep nowadays. Great~!~
My mind is a wandering... Hong Kong, new games, planning for exchange... oh.. and I'm hungry...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Learn Chinese In 5 Minutes
directions: read these outloud
I think you need a facelift
Chin Tu Fat
Are you hiding a fugitive?
Hu Yu Hai Ding?
See me A.S.A.P.
Kum Hia Nao
Stupid Man
Dum Gai
Small Horse
Tai Ni Po Ni
Did you go to the beach?
Wai Yu So Tan?
I bumped into a coffee table
Ai Bang Mai Ni
It's very dark in here
Wai So Dim
This is a tow away zone
No Pah King
You are not very bright
Yu So Dum
I got this for free
Ai No Pei
I am not guilty!
Wai Hang Mi?
Please stay a while longer
Wai Go Nao?
They have arrived
Hai Dei Kum.
Stay out of sight
Lei Lo
He's cleaning his automobile
Wa Sing Ka.
Your body odor is offensive
Yu Stin Ki
I thought you were on a diet?
Wai Yu Mun Ching?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Looking forward to 1st Dec 4pm! and the rest of the glorious holiday!
Good luck with mugging for all those out there with exams! Then its time to play play play!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Been thinking/reflecting the past few hours. Ever since I came across a commentary by someone I worked with over the term. Well, for one, I dun exactly relish being called an unfortunate groupmate.. thank you very much.
But what's over is over. I don't regret much of what I have done. Maybe this could have come out right from the start. I'm not a mind reader. And I'm not obliged to check in with everyone even though I try to. Instead of these misunderstandings/ miscommunications that popped up. Perhaps its the whole notion of working with friends I had. Maybe there were too much instances of trying to accomodate each other and trying to work well with everyone.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Estimated time of completion: 1500h. *crosses fingers*
After that... Weekend eo finish my last paper followed by Sakae buffet on Mon! Mugging from Tues to Sun, exams on Mon, Wed and Fri. Sat... OFF TO HONGKONG!!! :) :) :)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I got a paper due at like 12 noon... and I'm still merrily typing away and gosh... I'm not even halfway there. This is procrastination to the MAX!!! Actually, I dun think I procrastinated. For lack of anything, words elude me tonight. it is taking me eons to get the phrasing done to convey what I want to say. Maybe my brain is clouding from the lack of sleep. I dunno..
That said, I'm quite happy with my research and the ideas for my paper. I shall attempt to finish it soon... Aim: 7am?
Then again, I kinda enjoy the working through the night feelings. Except my brain seems to be protesting. Sigh... What to do? Wake up gillian... Time to kick some ass!!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
You Have A Type A- Personality |
You are one of the most balanced people around Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you. When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love! You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds |
Friday, November 03, 2006
Deadlines looming, presentations to prepare for and the dreaded finals in 3 weeks. Ahhhh...
Energy level at an all time low.. I dunno why. No motivation to do work even though there are projects/essays to be completed. I long for the time I can just stay at home and rot... Sometimes, I would rather be in a decomposing pile with flies hovering around me than having to drag myself off to school...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
At first, it was kinda sweet... then as it got draggier and draggier... and how Shin and Chaegyung kept misunderstanding each other even though it was blardy obvious they liked each other. It got a bit irritating... cause there will be this awww... sweet moment.. and then they end up fighting the next. Plus the politicking sucks...
And Yul... so cute... so innocent. and I felt so sad when he confessed to everything even though most of it was not his doing. But ahhh... even though I think Yul is cuter, but I like Shin a lot more. His melancholic brooding *heart melts*... and Chaegyung is so cute! Hahaha.. and pretty.
In the end, I was watching cause I just wanted to watch the happy ending. Hahaha...
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sports Awards Night is done and over. A great experience, I think Yishan's, Damon's and my heart stopped a few times that night when there were unexpected glitches while the programme was running. Playing with music, lights, mic running out of battery. Yet, when the confetti gun was popped at around 930pm that night, the feelings were overwhelming.
Ok.. there was the 'OMG! It's over feeling', the 'Thank God we survived... (and pretty well I think)', the 'Yay! It's finally over!' and the 'Shit! How are we supposed to clear up all the confetti?'
But it wsa a good working experience.
Sat.. I slept my day away. Make up for the lack of sleep ma...
After that, life pretty much settled into a routine. Work work and more work...
Friday, October 20, 2006
I'm still in school at 2.41am!!! Wahahhas... No.. not crazy, not staying over. I'm leaving school at like 2.50 am. and I have a 830 class tomorrow.
Well, rehearsal for Sports awards Night went ok.. but stayed back to clear a million and one things so that tmr won't screw up. Hahaha... tataz...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Waking up at 7 to do work is quite a nice feeling actually. Really. Plus the fact that there is a deadline breathing down my neck. But hey.. as long as I get it in today, anything goes right? Hahaha...
Good thing is I looked through the results and know what I want to put into my report. Thus, it's only piecing them together. Bad news... I realised I'm a big big big procrastinator. I got the assignment 2 weeks ago. and yet, i chose to do it last minute. What's new?
Monday, October 16, 2006
A far cry from the last one which was bright and cheery. But I like this one. It screams dark, it gives me the impression of being deep in thought, pondering over the complexities of life? Yet, it is not something that is sad or sombre. and I like the sphere thingee in the pic. Oh.. and I tried something with my comments thingee. Added a picture. Except that is comes out too big. Do let me know if you would prefer me to remove it.
不知不觉,我已经 blog 了三年多。时间过得真快。看回以前写的东西,不禁笑了起来。 刚开始写时,我还在读高二。那时还是要面临会考。太久没和华文字联络了。写了以上几句也觉得曼辛苦的。Forget it! I should just back and do Mandarin 101 or sth.
Anyway, those were the days when I was still logging into ICQ!!! Blogged about the finals of Choir competition, and cheering when tuition got cancelled (I noticed I blogged about it at least twice, guess it showed how much i dreaded physics). Those were the days I woke up at 10 to study and I considered that late! Hahaha... memories...
Somehow, I think I have the knack of doing the wrong things at the wrong time.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
It's getting increasingly difficult to grab those few precious hours to myself. I went to bed at 12 last night. and woke up at like 10 plus 11? Hmmm.. must be trying to clear all that sleep debt accumulated from Social Science Retreat.
Over the weekend, I felt as if I didn't have control of my life. I was just at specific place at specific times due to prior commitments, responsibility and what not. Driving on Sat afternoon which I booked for some time ago. Yeah.. I went out despite the stupid PSI hitting 150. and had a horrendous driving lesson which eroded whatever confidence I felt prior to my test.
after that, it was nua-ing a bit at home. and for overlooking the fact that Meiju's concert started at 7 instead of 730. So ya.. I was still happily packing my bag when Qinny called to asked where I was. Dragged myself for the concert, but I didn't regretted it. Hearing the original compositions by Paul, Eugene, 9K and Junjie... I felt a tinge of regret that mine wasn't up there. But I know that if I had tried to rush it, I would have been unable to juggle that many things. Oh well, "On a Whim' may be truly finished some time in future. But I never regretted going for the course. Met nice people, and learnt a lot. When your dreams were about to become reality, it just feel so surreal. To find out that my composition would actually be played at a concert. But it was too little too late. And i didn't have the energy to push through.
And then... Social Science Retreat. It was absolutely rocking fun! I feel that the Society will be in VERY good hands judging from the people who were there. They had so much heart! And truly, we have branded Social Science as a very 'family-oriented' faculty. To hear all 9 applicants who were there saying the same thing. I had this wild thought to even cancel my driving test to stay on for their 2nd day of teambuilding activities. This was how much I heart them. Yeah.. thankfully, my dearest social science gals talked me out of it.. Hahaha.. Yeah.. must have been a bit too crazy after the lack of sleep and the exhausting activities.
"SSS Love" (Share the Shit, Spread the LOVE!)
Monday.. driving test... I thank everyone for your calls, messages and wishes. I just felt so warm. :) And then.. yada yada.. I'm sure half the world knows i've passed now. And the thing is, I haven't even set foot into the family car yet. Sigh...
And then.. after meetings yesterday, today, I'm at home. With two projects and a proposal to be done by tomorrow. Oh well.. let me bask in the feeling of slacking for a while more. Ok.. that's what I've been doing from the time I woke up till now.
and then... to look forward, Switzerland next year. part of me is so so excited, I really wanna hop on a plane over now. On the other hand, it's a shitload of money. New experiences to try out, new places to go. Planning for trips to other countries, to visit friends in Europe. I'm worried I can't pull it off. It's just so exciting!
Let's see where I wanna go...
Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic-Prague and Hungary-Budapest)
France - Paris and Normandy?
and definitely Venice!, throwing in Rome/Vatican City.
and I heard that Belgium is nice too, plus Barcelona and not to mention, to travel around Switzerland.
Ok.. I really seriously need loads of moolah to pull this off! Maybe I need a sugar daddy. Hahahaha... or to seriously work my ass off from Dec to Feb. :) I guess I'll choose the latter.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
After the 3rd time... YEAH!!!
Ok.. my left leg cramped a bit.. so i couldn't really control a bit. And the testor's comment was like... "very jerky, clutch control not very good". Hahaha... And my test-route changed cause of some construction/road works. So I ended up on a slope half the time. and did quite a fair bit of using handbrake and stuff...
And 2 driving school cars stalled in front of me!
And I went for Sharon's 21st after that! Good food, great company. Thanks Sharon!
And I came home.. and spent 2 hours clearing emails.. Just drafting mails, replying, deletingstuff.. whatever.. Sianz...
Term break week doesn't really feel like term break week. It just seems like a week without lessons, but life in school still goes on with people doing events and stuff. I'm too tired to be coherent...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I see my break week shaping up.. with project meetings and stuff. Shall keep at least 1 day free to nua at home. :) Let's see how possible it is.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
It's interesting how people in my generation (as opposed to my parent's generation) have grown up and lived with computer terms like pdf, blog, spyware, html... It's like... automatically, we would open pdf files with adobe, navigate though webpages with ease, change codes... whatever. Was helping my dad with his work just now. And he was puzzled as to why his pdf file came out gibberish in Word. and I didn't know how to explain because it seemed 'duh'. But then looking back, my parents did not have the luxury of growing up with a computer. Hell.. I dun think computers were invented yet or was produced for the mass market until much later. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, the first computer was this srt of equipments which took up one whole room in UPenn. :) (credits to intro psych)
Just thought it'll be interesting to blog this observation down. If I ever decide to read thru my archives when I'm 50 years old, maybe I can appreciate why my kids would be staring at me, shaking their heads at what I thought is an innocent question when it's all that they have grown up with.
School side... Awards Night coming up in 2 weeks. A almost non-existent break next week. But I'll really like to go back to St Nicks. (What morning/afternoon can NUS ppl make it? Fri?). A trip to settlers? KTV? and interperse that with research for individual papers, meetings to beat deadlines and Awards Night rehearsals.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Reason being I slept very little last night. And when Gillian does not get enough sleep, she is easily irritated by the slightest things, go manically crazy when talking to her friends and cannot think coherently. and that explains why I'm still in school.
Had fun chatting with Val and Zhumei... just like the old times at PA. questioning, grilling. Wahahahas... let's meet up soon again
Thanks to all who heard me whine today. And for the two sparks that brightened up my day immediately while attempting a 3-way conference call. It. was. hilarious. And I immediately felt much much better and cheerier!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
1) You can't book a GSR for the next day's meeting
2) It is sooooo hard to arrange a meeting
3) Meetings are arranged for Sat evenings
4) You can't book a GSR on Saturday
5) There are people doing filming and stuff in school on Sunday
6) My pile of reading just gets thicker and thicker. (It's 6 psych journal articles and counting...)
7) You see groups setting up booths for fund-raising for their ltb projects
8) You had your first mid-terms exam in week 6...
9) Project groups are starting to call for meetings
As you can see, school work is piling up... project groups are meeting up... busy busy busy.. still have to squeeze in driving. (I MUST PASS!).
On a side side note... went to Eskibar last weekend to literally chill. It was blardy brrrr... cold... While the NUS and NTU ppl are having their one week break this week - enjoying their anime, korean drama and what not, I've been mugging in school for a mid term, had a long meeting to trash out ideas and well, found enough time to recuperate some beauty sleep.
I'm freaking out for social cognition.. cause I'm starting not to understand the articles I'm reading. bah! Need to find my highlighters and start colouring my article... and ooo... reports to rush. It's starting!!!
and I've been trying to beat my sis' scores on minesweeper and trying to win Hearts with zero points. The stupid things I do when work piles up...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Anyway, had a packed weekend... Let's start off with Fri... or maybe Thurs... or maybe Wed... Bleahz! My days all gel into one another so much that I can't seem to differentiate them. I feel as if I'm having like full days... Cause my classes are usually at 12, and then I'll stay in school till late.. like 9 plus 10. Wlecome to my life~!~
Sat.. had to wake up bright and early in the morning to go bowling with kids from Gracehaven - a Salvation army home on a Rotaract community service event. It was (for lack of a better word) - eye-opening. I didn't know how to react to the kids there. They look so young, yet they are there for a reason.
I see a future in those girls and really wanna help them, but I'm afraid to commit to the cause.
I want to spend more time with them, get to know them yet am afraid of building long-term and stronger bonds.
Am i cut out to 'counsel' them? Is that what I want for my future job? To help people move on in society? Then again, am I that '伟大'? It is something that one does not get paid a lot, not much recognition, but a job that will bring about much satisfaction?
What about job prestige? Salary and the likes? Do I have such a 'caring' persona or issit just a done on a whim, a spur of the moment thing because of what I saw on Sat?
Anyway, went for Be*Dazzled, the acapella concert at night. Cool! Really really makes me feel like performing again. and well, Juz B was there... with screaming teenage fans... :) made me feel like I'm in a SuperBand recording or sth... Going for concerts just makes me realise how much I miss performing on stage. Now, even if I want to, I'm also not sure what I can do, how I do it.
And this is what makes choosing a certain path in life so scary. It's an unknown risk cause different paths leads ot different outcomes. And this is what makes my decision to do on exchange even scarier. What doors does this exchange open up for me? and what have I given up for it?
ponder ponder... check back this blog in 10 years time and maybe you'll find the answer...
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
And my tagboard is becoming a "Which Jay Chou song from his new album do you like?" discussion. But nice nice! No regrets buying the album... :)
Photobucket is down.. and so my picts dun appear as they should...
Doing my internship report... and meeting sstarting liao.. tatas...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
After slacking for well.. 3 days plus, it's sch again! And well... I'm hooked onto Jay Chou's album. Haven't managed to lay my hands on it, but I'm so glad there is streaming!
Here's my fav song (so far)... Love the melody and chorus...
我还在装傻 噢
Basically, this post is just to say that I am alive and kicking... and I'm going to Switzerland!
Monday, September 04, 2006
I dunno why. I just feel positively miserable. Must be a mood swing. or not enough sleep.
Whatever... Need to get thru a (long) meeting, and loads of work waiting for me... sigh...
Anyway, my dilemma is more or less solved. I'll just accept whatever that comes (most probably) and work my ass off this sem. And I'll just leave everything as it is. Plus my mum is willing to support me for an extra sem if I die die have to do it. So most of my probs are solved...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
My dreams, my future, or my sanity and exchange?
Meanwhile, school has been busy...
Tons of readings (and yes.. I' mreally doing my readings this sem), (almost) weekly assignments, and well.. meeting to plan for stuff...
There's Awards Night and acad stuff for Soci... but feel motivated to do them. Yeah!
I hate having to make decision that will affect my life! Too many of them sucks!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Classes are basically introductions, I don't have to stay in school for project meetings yet...
And i'm happy spending time with frens... Slacking in the library.
But a library is not exactly an ideal place to slack... If given a choice, I would slack at home. But...
Actually, I'm rotting in the library cause I got a briefing session at 7 and I have 4 hours to kill cause my class ended at 3. And I'm bored cause I got nth to do in the library! So i start disturbing ppl on msn...
I like Psych courses! you go into class and know almost the whole class in there! Whoo!
p.s.: I think I'm going ot break my own record.. I'm have blogged for 3 consecutive days!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
You get tons of spam from the various CCAs advertising something or another
The concourse is packed with people
The empty Kopitiam is bursting with life and you can't find a seat
You go into a seminar room and see a prof in front of you
You have to wake up early to make it to 830 class
You see people queuing at Verts to sell their books
I'm listening to my music, typing away at my com... with another 5 hours to rot away. Lalala... can arrange photos and maybe blog.. and yeah.. do internship report...
Monday, August 21, 2006
I'm still undecided over whether I should concentrate on a double major or single-major-plus-track (some new stuff offered by SMU) degree. One will according to my parents and other people, give me more marketability on the job market and will be more beneficial. The other gives me a chance to take things slow and in my opinion will help me more in trying to pull up my GPA cause I won't have to do so many modules every semester.
What can an OBHR major do for me when I can also take on extra OBHR courses but without having to squeeze that many in to qualify for a double major. think think...
I'm being eaten alive by mosquitos in my own home. It's sad. Really. I woke up at 2 am last night with at least 8 red welts all over me. And like 3 on my fingers... Like 'itch itch itch.. scratch scractch scratch...'. But mozzies are quite smart creatures. They disappear after feasting on blood - cause I couldn't catch any last night.
I feel unprepared for school. Need to clear stuff on my laptop, the book-buying craze begins... and I got a million things to blog.. Ok.. maybe 3... The Genting trip and Yuanshan's bday and Sentosa! Woohoo!
And I think I'm too lazy to queue at Verts to sell my book.. so... wadever.. they can rot for one more sem in my cupboard.
Pens out, games aside.. it's time to start a muggery term!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I suddenly feel overwhelmed. It is the effect of taking on too many things on not delivering. I try to ignore the emails sent, but I can't do anything about the nagging guilt growing somewhere inside of me.
I took them on because I enjoyed them, but juggling so many things with internship was no joke I realised. That and my penchant for fun. after today, things will be back on track I promise. My composition (if you all will still want it) and the proposal will all be done these 2 days.
and yes, I realised I have 3 sets of photos sitting prettily on my desk. It will be uploaded soon too.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
So many things happened in these 2 weeks. And I think I've been eating thru these 2 weeks. Let's see...
It was Angie's birthday on the 2nd... and we had a cake with 21 candles, a bottle of beer and 5 other drinks between us.
5th.. Meet up with Char, Da and Yeesh @ Marina Sq Cartel in the afternoon. I didn't know Cartel changed to table service (ie: they will take ur orders and serve you water and bread. Actually, I would much prefer cutting my own bread.. wadever...) Errr... we just sat there for hours and talked. Updates, complains, whinings, funny stuff.. wadever...
after that, it was rush to Yishun for Angie's bday party? gathering? Loads of food, yummy mango cake. Last minute writing of card with an interesting message. Hope you like the presents!
Eh... then Genting trip on 8th night. Was in school for the Singapore Guitar Quartet concert. It was good. :) The concert showcased pieces by Robert Luse who is a very good guitarist himself. I'm very glad to have met him while doing a course. A very grandfatherly-liked old man. :)
And because of the Fireworks frestival, there was this terrible jam along my school. Sigh man... I left school at 9 and had to be at Golden Mile by 945! Luckily my dad came to pick me from school. Rushed home, checked that everything was packed and then it was off to pick Siyi up from Little India and to Golden Mile...
Looked for our bus, got on and we began the trip to Genting! Woo hoo! My first time there I think. The last time I went, I was only 1.5 yrs old or sth. Can't exactly remember anything. Stopped at Customs, chop passport... then it was all the way up! There was quite a lot of room on the bus as it was a 26-seater. But can't beat the comforts of your own bed lar. Changed position every few hours... Reached Genting at 5 plus.. and it was food, themepark, more food from then on. Shall talk more with photos later...
Then Fri was my last day at work. Got a cushion and my colleagues treated me to lunch at this cafe-liked place near Bugis. Not too bad lar...
Today.. Yuanshan's birthday. We finally got our quan2 jia1 fu2 after many many many months... Good food, nice company.. what more can I ask for?
The week ahead looks pretty packed too...
Tmr... Rotaract installation. Will be in school the whole day.
Driving from Mon to Wed...
Thursday! PA interns outing!! Wahahhas.. can't wait to have a day of Sand, Sun @ Sentosa!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Ok.. I don't exactly play sports, but I am quite an avid follower of sporting events from Olympics to World Cup and of various sports like Tennis, F1, soccer or whatever... and ya.. I caught bits and pieces of the Tour de France - the cycling thingee.
Floyd Landis, who won this year's Tour de France after a remarkable come back (he outcycled th rest by 8 minutes on an ardous mountain climb) has been revealed to have an unusually high level of testosterone in his urine sample after that particular stage. And now, he is labelled a cheat and stuff... It's like from hero to zero? What's the point of having all those accolades and congratulatory message written about you when you won the Tour when it is all revealed ot be a farce after that?
Yeah... his lawyers and publicist claim someone is out to set him up. Conspiracy theories flying here and there. Even if they've managed to clear him on this, there is always a shadow of a doubt there. and if someone wants to really sabotage you, then you must have screwed him damn badly for him to do sth so vindictive towards you. Later they just get a scapegoat to take the blame or sth.
The (only) other explanation: the lab who did the testing screwed up. Really no idea man.. waiting for the 2nd urine sample to be tested.
Another doping news.. Justin Gaitlin, the Olympics 100m sprint champion and current joint world record holder tested positive for some other drugs... Like... there goes his career... (maybe he did make enough money to retire comfortably.. but with a tarnished reputation?)
Doping is not uncommon in sports. In a bid to get fitter, stronger, better, many of them turn to drugs so that But what makes the atheletes think they can get away with it? I mean i still think they are damn stupid esp if they know the labs are definitely going to test for certain banned substance.
Ah well.. enough of my ramblings... this just needed some sort of air time. :)
Sunday, July 30, 2006
So much wonderful memories, glorious feelings. Seeing the realisation of sth that you had a hand in planning, coping with last mins screw ups, walking to the library at 3 am in the middle of the night to print stuff for camp the next day - and thanks to the guards who allowed us in to print our stuff.
First time doing programmes for such a large scale, saw, learnt, experienced a lot. It was quite a foreign task to me. Details, logistics, and most importantly, creative juices for coming up of games and other stuff. Juggling internship and planning... (tt's why internship is such a hindrance)
During the freshmen challenge, I literally burst with pride. At the fight we put up, at the spirit we showed. I felt so damn proud of them at tha point. It was emotionally overwhleming. Maybe I was running on adrenaline, but the feeling was shiok! :)
Glad that everything fell into place. though there will always be improvements. When it ended, I was overwhelmed once again. Not wanting to believe that everything you planned for has been executed well, everyone had a good time and that you don't have to bother about staggering bathing times or clues or games or wet weather like forever. :)
Quote of the day: "I learnt that sex sells... *cue cheers and laughs* but gay sex sells better" ~ Chiching at her closing speech.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
and most importantly, churning out my clues for my activity. First time planning programme for a camp... Not to mention being in charge of programmes for a 2 day 1 night camp. Learnt a lot from more creative friends who have prior experience.
Meanwhile, I have been extended at my internship for another 2 weeks. The only problem is I don't think i did ask for an extension, nor was I given a choice whether to extend or not. That's a long story for another day. And I think I've whined enough of it to my friends already.
I'm hooked onto this CD I picked up over the weekend. It's by this Broadway singer by the name of Lee Lessack. It's actually a compilation of duets of him and different singers. Very beautiful songs. and I'm rather obsessed with one of those online game thingee called Gold Digger/Miner? Whatever...
And I cut my hair... It's short... and coloured it golden brown (according to the guy).
back to preparing for my game...
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The bad news is I just looked at the letter of offer that i signed. Somehow, the period was till 13th Aug. I have no idea why I didn't see that initially. Bah! How??? I have evil plans to hand in slip-shod work, give her a black face whenever I see her, pon a feedback session that is compulsory and stuff... or maybe I should just tell her I booked a holiday. Wahahahs.. talk about lying thru my teeth. But then again, I think I'm too nice to show my displeasure. So... stuck at work for another 2 weeks? I'll probably end up taking 5 days of leave .I DON'T CARE! I booked my driving lessons already. They cannot stop me! If not.. I'll just take MC or sth. YESh! I'm freaking pissed now!!! Not as if I feel particularly useful lor. I want cheap labour or what?
Ok.. before the booboo was discovered yesterday, I had a nice week. Went to Wanling's place for BBQ on Mon to celebrate her 21st! I like the watch! :)
Tues.. Dinner at Rice Table. Thank you Ade for the treat!!! Really miss going out with you all. It's like... multiple conversations, crappy stuff, funny stuff. I haven't felt so happy in weeks. hahaha...
Wed... I went out to do survey.. at Eunos.. which was full of cats. It got a bit freaky.
Thurs... I know I didn't go home.. but I can't remember what I did... Oh.. Dinner with Sharon. and sad to say.. I missed the Acapella Championship thingee at Esplanade. But congrats to Char and Da for coming in 1st! Woo! I'll see you all at Acafast! :) and let's meet up some time in Aug ya?
Fri... went home early. or rather, after work. Bought a whiteboard. Which is sitting/standing mightily in front of me now.
Today.. still slacking. Things to plan and type up. Application for exchang eyet to be done... Orientation stuff to settle. Next week will be a super packed week. Carribbean one day... and then preparation for Fri-Sat's camp. And then.. I really hope I get to leave on 31st! Sob sob...
The bad news is I just looked at the letter of offer that i signed. Somehow, the period was till 13th Aug. I have no idea why I didn't see that initially. Bah! How??? I have evil plans to hand in slip-shod work, give her a black face whenever I see her, pon a feedback session that is compulsory and stuff... or maybe I should just tell her I booked a holiday. Wahahahs.. talk about lying thru my teeth. But then again, I think I'm too nice to show my displeasure. So... stuck at work for another 2 weeks? I'll probably end up taking 5 days of leave .I DON'T CARE! I booked my driving lessons already. They cannot stop me! If not.. I'll just take MC or sth. YESh! I'm freaking pissed now!!! Not as if I feel particularly useful lor. I want cheap labour or what?
Ok.. before the booboo was discovered yesterday, I had a nice week. Went to Wanling's place for BBQ on Mon to celebrate her 21st! I like the watch! :)
Tues.. Dinner at Rice Table. Thank you Ade for the treat!!! Really miss going out with you all. It's like... multiple conversations, crappy stuff, funny stuff. I haven't felt so happy in weeks. hahaha...
Wed... I went out to do survey.. at Eunos.. which was full of cats. It got a bit freaky.
Thurs... I know I didn't go home.. but I can't remember what I did... Oh.. Dinner with Sharon. and sad to say.. I missed the Acapella Championship thingee at Esplanade. But congrats to Char and Da for coming in 1st! Woo! I'll see you all at Acafast! :) and let's meet up some time in Aug ya?
Fri... went home early. or rather, after work. Bought a whiteboard. Which is sitting/standing mightily in front of me now.
Today.. still slacking. Things to plan and type up. Application for exchang eyet to be done... Orientation stuff to settle. Next week will be a super packed week. Carribbean one day... and then preparation for Fri-Sat's camp. And then.. I really hope I get to leave on 31st! Sob sob...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
People and things/events come in different shape and sizes. We all try to fit into each other, fit events into our schedules like how the pieces fit into one another.
Why so philosophical? I dunno... but I guess my body is trying to tell me sth when I shut down for 12 hours stright. And I didn't even finish the world cup match. I need a breather. I feel quite choked up with my 'to-do' list.
1. Complete composition
2. Check up on Exchange! *impt impt* or else cannot go
3. Complete this stupid piece of work that my supervisor has been hounding me for eons (yeah.. i'm working on my day off!)
4. Do up logistics list for dry run on Sat
5. Dry run for Orientation on Sat and I havden't planned my game yet!
6. Recce for the above-mentioned game on Thursday!
7. Draft Agreement for PostSecret (oopsie.. will update soon!)
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
If I have a choice, I want to stay in school forever. This internship, while interesting at times and slightly beneficial has gotten me thinking A LOT! Given that this is a big organisation I'm working for, I just think that there are many layers to clear before you can do something.
On top of that, I just think that it is very hard to send msg across. Like in school, if you want something done, you would do it yourself if necessary. But in an organisation, you would first have to feedback to the relevant dept, who may/may not pass on the msg and yada yada yada... so...
The thing is I spent weeks doing something, only to run simple tests on them. Or not even test... it is like writing a long and complicated formula with loads of macros only to calculate perhpas what '1+1='. It just seems like a lot of wasted effort. Where are the crunching numbers that I am supposed to interpret? Somehow, this dept simplifies a lot of things I learnt. Which further highlights the difference between school and work. Things are just different. Or maybe I just have this thought that work life is challenging and mind boggling. Right.. I spend one qurter of my time there using my brains and the other three quarters doing brainless work.
"I managed to get hands-on experience in doing research as I was sent to conduct a door to door survey."
Yeah... so that was what I was doing in Woodlands for two and a half hours tonight. And did i mention I was in heels cause I went after work?
The good thing? I get tomorrow off... It is fun if more people opend up. At least I won't have to waste time to make another trip there again. Sigheth... Better luck this weekend ba...
Which reminds me this weekend is kinda packed cause I have to go for a blood test and Char's concert. Squeeze in more knocking... and exchange research, completing of composition plus planning programmes for camp and *poof* I can so see my weekend evaporating.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
and there are just so many more adjectives i can use to describe work.
Ok.. plus.. the World Cup is here... so I've been juggling my time between catching matches, or snippets of it, playing Zuma and trying ot get a high score, meetings and dinners with friends after work. Hence, this explains why my blog has been so stagnent.
I mean there is nothign much to blog about work. Don't think you all wanna hear about how I have to do data entry and coding for 7 open ended questions for 1000 over responses. And you won't believe how weird and unbelievable some of the responses can be! and...
Ok.. I guess I just managed to described a bit of my work.
Ya.. and now to a weekend of rotting before the whole routine starts again on Monday...
Sunday, June 04, 2006
This is actually a rather old post. Wrote it in Wed but blogger wasn’t being cooperative... It didn't let me blog about Da Vinci Code.
Caught Da Vinci Code with Fran earlier… Well, there are instances where I think the pen is mightier than the sword. This was one of it. Perhaps certain things are just more exciting when you read about it happening instead of watching it. Or maybe words just make certain scenes sound better. Maybe it was due to anticipation, thus, the movie felt a little flat. There was no climax. Just like telling a story.
Also, the movie missed out on some explanation, changing a bit of the details here and there. Went for the movie despite the not so good reviews. It was ok I guess. I didn’t really regret because I felt as if I was transported to Europe for 2.5 hours, getting glimpse of the Louvre and other sights.
As for the controversial storyline… well… despite all the protests and calls to ban the film, I would put it down to a work of fiction, by an over-imaginative author, who can put one and one together to make three. Honestly, if people cannot discern between fact and fiction, and as a result, lose faith in their religion after watching the show, it just illustrates that they aren’t really in it.
Hmmm.. I wanna watch XMen 3… and Over the Hedge! Oh… and there’s Pirates 3. I didn’t catch 2.. but 3 looks exciting. Btw, as we were waiting for the movie to start, they showed a trailer for the new James Bond movie. Have to say that I think that Pierce Brosnan looks so much better compared to the new 007. But we shall see…
So many movies.. so little time! Spent Saturday slacking. Was supposed to either go cyclig with Angie or catch a concert with Sharon. Sad to say, I didn't do both... woke up at 1 plus and decided not to go cycling. and I kinda slacked the day away...
It's time to sleep...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Thanks to all of you who made my 21st such a memorable one. The 2 weekends of revelry, fun...
SMU peeps
St Nicks gals...

To gassy peeps, thanks for the surprise! and the 'repeat' thingee was super funny.
To a dear friend... SIYI!!!
Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks... Thanks...
These 2 weeks have gone by in a flurry. Besides internship... where the work is starting to pick up.
Then on top of that there are tons of things to be done.
There's preparation for the presentation for the Singapore Youth Media Conference on Sat... Classes to attend on Tues nights - which reminds me to start writing my music.
Hmmm.. meeting for the various stuff I'm involved in..
Handbook, Social Science Orientation, Comm service stuff...
There's social gatherings... meeting a friend for dinner on Mon, Da Vinci Code with Fran on Wed. Wathcing Over the Hedge with my sister someday... and I want to watch XMen 3 too!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Looking back, what have I done, where have I been?
Travelled from Novena to Clementi for 2 years to complete my Primary Education at NHPS. Clumsy me broke my arm in Primary 4, and fractured my foot the year after that.
Went to St Nicks mainly because of MEP... MEP was a bad decision (I wonder what possessed me), but never regretted going there because of all you wonderful people out there. I remember the Cruise in 2004...
Establishment of REHK... and the 2 revered Royalties. I remember silent conversations, passing messages and throwing them across the room during Father Balhatchet's class. Hurhurhur...
Tuition @ Angie's with Bubble Tea and Ms Tay.
1 Truth, 2 Truth, 3 Purity, 4 Purity. Cai-pok, Flaming red hair TG...
Sec school life seems like a blur now - it seems to revolve round choir... Performances, practices, rehearsals and 'tests'. 'Clip-clopping' across the VCH stage. The classic Monica Toh followed by Susanna Koh.
It was where I developed an interest in choir, then a passion for singing which brought me to the next phase of my life - VJC
Failed my first Exam - Physics. Got my first 'F' for Econs common test in Yr 2 Common Test 1! (I don't think I will ever forget that)
Mulling over tons of Maths problems and trying to grasp econs concepts.
Ponning lecture to go lib, sleeping in practically all my lectures in year 1.
A year one Physics tutor which was a big joke, the replacement was not much better wither.
Physics Tuition with Gary Chan. Wahahahs...
Fun and slack class, which unfortunately do not really keep in touch.
But more importantly, I remember choir - the feel of singing with a choir that strives together, produces good sound. It started with Carolling 2001. The toil and sweat. Practices at least twice a week, lying on the floor of the hall in Siglap South CC. Doing weird stuff and the intensive drilling of competition songs. (try 'Ni-hil-sub, So-lei No-Vum)
There was Prague, my first foray into Europe and first experience of winter.
Preparations for SYF... 'dung da-ah-ang-ing' for months trying to sound like gamaelan. Putting up of SOV performances - Horrotorio and the funny choreo the year after.
Performance at Esplanade. :) :) :) - It was just a nice feeling to know you had been there.
Pioneer batch of SMU Social Science students. Fun with Social Science Society exco! Nice and friendly Profs. Interesting modules. First time in a class of 16 people. Daunting presentations - I remember Comms 101 - individual presentation.
But more importantly, the experience I pick up while taking part in or organising activities.
Wonderful G1 friends, thanks for being part of my life since 2 years ago! The infamous 'Zhong Ji Mi Ma', G1 gathering, crapping sessions, apples discussion...
The Impossible Trinity, we rock! :)
To all those who are a part of my life, a sincere 'Thank You; from the bottom of my heart together with a great, big hug. May the friendships we forge withstand the test of time.
Oh oh oh.. not to forget.. Karaoke was DISCOVERED!!! Wahahahas.. the endless hours of fun we had singing, screaming and harmonising (or trying to anyway)!
Most importantly, I won't be who I am today if not for my family. To por-por, Mummy, Daddy, Gin and Jonah, I love you all very much! Thanks for being there to listen to me, to cheer me up when I'm down, to amuse me with your antics.
Phew.. I just felt as if I made an Oscar acceptance speech! :) May this post be something to mull over and serve to jolt my memory when I read my archives in future.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
First of all, a big thank you for all of you who came yesterday! Thanks for the presents!
TO Fran, Meiju, Wanling, Baoqin, Cynthia.. I really like the jacket! Hahaha.. I'll wear it to school often enough so you all will see it! Yes Fran.. you and Meiju have good taste! :)
To Gan Ann, Renjie, Duan, Chiching... I'm still not over the book! It's so nice!!!
To Claire... what can I say. The cake was marvelous... and I think you just converted me into a sour cream and onion dips person! Thanks for all your help!
TO Sharon... Thanks for your gift! I'll try and remain inspired.
Special mention to Baoqin who came over on Friday to help me with this!

It's so princess-y! Haha... and one night's work for hanging 26 balloons and 2 streamers. Not bad huh? We should practice more and them go into events management.
Ya.. and thanks to my brother who helped me collect the sushi... and my parents, sis and auntie who helped to make it food with all the food and stuffies!
And all who came... I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and the food and the fondue!
SMU peeps... and..
St Nicks frens! :)
Oh.. oh.. oh.. I must post this!
The 2 SS guys at my mercy!!! Wahahahs! :)
Had a great time playing the infamous 'polar bear'... and Uno Attack!!!
After that was a ktv session @ partyworld!
Serenading, yodelling, butchering of songs, dueting, harmonising.. and who can forget! (Come on everyone! 1... 2... 3...) "霍霍霍霍霍霍霍霍", "我我我我我我我我"
SO high!!!
Good food! GREAT COMPANY! Fun people, Karaoke! What else can I ask for?
Monday, May 08, 2006
Hahaha... slowly trying to build it up to what it was initially. Putting in peripheral programmes I used... I got a new hard disk cause the old one apparently spoilt. Well.. maybe it will last longer now...
Was quite unused to typing on a desktop for a week... Ahh.. the lovely keys of my laptop goes a-tapping!
Lost all my emoticons... so next time you all see me on msn... just use ur emoticons! hahaha... and the good thing is I still have the more important stuff like photos, works, so I'll live. The importance of backing up. :)
A bit incoherent now.. still trying to remember what else I need to put in. Starting on a blank slate, now I shall slowly build it up again... Ooh... I got LOTR screensaver. A bit passe... but Legolas and Aragon is still cute!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Busy interning at PA... 4 days of work... and I wonder how I can hang in there for another 2 months and 3 weeks... It's not that bad. Just need to get into the working mode. Then now gotta organise my life around work. Which.. i guess means a lot of dinners out. :)
My laptop is officially dead. Have to get my hard disk replaced... A lot of upcoming commitments and events. Hahaha...
Friday, April 28, 2006
Basically, the instructions are as such:
Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.
here are my answers:
How does the world see me?
今夜你会不会来 - Wei Lan (This HK Singer.. but it is like a remix version of the Leon Lai's one)
Hmmm... so does the world think that I usually don't go where I am supposed to? Doubting whether I will appear? Maybe not on time lar... but I seldom pang seh people one lor...
Will I have a happy life?
Every Tomorrow - Eason Chan
This is an english translation of a Cantonese song. Dunno the real title... So I will only have a happy life every tomorrow?
What do my friends really think of me?
True - Ryan Cabrera
Awww... that's so sweeet!
Do people secretly lust after me?
Breathe Again - Toni Braxton
Errr... how am I supposed to decipher this? Like no, no one lusts after me, thus I must breathe again? Or breathe to suck in my fats?
How can I make myself happy?
留多一分钟 - Hacken Lee
Well, a translation of this title would be either 'Stay Longer for a Minute More' or 'Give One More Minute'. So I should give myself more time?
What should I do with my life?
Too Serious Too Soon - Gareth Gates
Ok... I'm too serious about my life too soon? So when should I start planning for my life and a career? I'm already 21!
Will I ever have children?
Forever - Backstreet Boys
I will forever have children? Why couldn't the question be 'Will I ever Have money'? I like that answer...
What is some good advice for me?
Mr Beasley - Corrinne May
Ok.. I dunno how to decipher this. The lyrics go like: 'Just be yourself, Mr Beasley, It's your soul that makes me fall in love with you'. Hmmm... *deep in thought*
How will I be remembered?
Danny Boy - Various Celtic singers
I'm a girl.. not a boy! Besides, my name is not Danny.
What is my signature dancing song?
Someday, Someway - S Club 7
Ok... I dun really dance. Maybe not dancing song.. more of signature phrase?
What do I think my current theme song is?
My Perogative - Britney Spears
What can I say?
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Your Song - Moulin Rouge
No comments...
What song will play at my funeral?
With All Your Heart - Plus 1
Ok lar...
What type of men/women do I like?
Something about You
Obviously, when I like someone, there has to be something about them I like before I like them right? But Something About You is not really a type... nvm...
What is my day going to be like?
园游会 - Jay Chou
Errrm... the translation is... I dunno. Tried Babelfish and they gave me 'Garden You Hui'. They might as well have said ' Garden Swim Will'. Wahahahas.. but I think it is sth like a fair? Is it not? So does that mean I'm gonna have fun?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Got my Econs back.. not good... I believe in the Law of Diminishing Returns... Somehow, you'll get less over a prolonged period of time. My mum thinks it is a natural phenomenon for people to do well in their first year in uni and deprove. For me, I think it is a regression and I'm finally finding my true standard. got a little lucky in my first year... Now.. to maintain...
I got my PA internship! It's till 31st July... So gals.. we'll have to plan a weekend trip... Dun think they will take too kindly to an intern taking a week off to go jetting off to HK! And with that... I can plan for my exchange! Wahahahas... getting an internship this summer is part of a bigger plan for me to go on exchange in Year 3. I just hope nothing weird crops up that will spoil my plans again.
I seem to have signed up for quite a number of summer activities - various school projects, comm service... Let's hope I have the energy and drive to carry through with them.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
it actually started out ok. Like I went for my warm up drive which was very smooth. I didn't even feel nervous when I was going down to the car with my testor. Then it had to happen... It started drizzling the moment I got into the car (or there about). Then when I was turning out, I checked and there was not car... then this car popped up and the testor braked a bit for me.
** warning bells went off in my head... was trying to kepe myself from muttering 'shit!'**
It started pouring.. like cats and dogs and I couldn't see a thing in front of me. Is that luck or what? And I struck a curb when turning out from doing directional change. 10 points down the drain...
and it continued pouring... and during the test route, committed some stupid mistakes. The roads were clear for me to do lane changing (one of my weaker subjects) but the drive sucked! And I hate driving in torrential rain and I didn't have much practice driving in the rain somemore cause whenever I go for lesson, it was bright and sunny.
Wahlaoz.. fate or what?
the best part comes now: The freaking rain stopped after I parked the car. It was all bright and sunny when I walked out of the driving school, 154 bucks poorer. Seems like a crule trick was played on me.
Well, I'm kinda over it.. but I just feel so sian.. cause it's just disappointment. I wasn't 100% sure I would pass, but I was hoping I could avoid stupid, costly mistakes like striking curb. Unfortunately, it din work out that way... The next test is in July! That's a long long wait! Now let's hope I get a job/internship or whatever... :)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Another day spent out with friends and more friends. :)
Tomorrow gonna be spent driving and shopping...
I feel so blissful... nothing much to worry about...
Met an interesting cab driver.. who was talking about gays openly touching him in the cab and of a drunk women who forgot where her boyfriend stayed and made a fuss in his car. Talked freely about how he enjoys sex and errrm... how some people like to do it 'from behind'. I felt kinda unnerved, undomfortable and I was rather glad when I reached my destination...
a BBq that took forever to start the fire.. then my first time at Penny Black... well, it's this pub thingee at Raffles Place, Boat Quay area... had fun talking.. and crapping. Wish I could have stayed longer for the bbq though...
I went swimming this afternoon and I tanned myself and ended up with a rubber band line on my wrist where I hung the locker key. so smart right? And I think alcohol dun go very well with a swim. My muscles feel weird... and I dun think it is the effect of a swim only.
I have a craving for Magnum ice cream... dun ask me why.. Cravings are unexplainable...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
5 x(times) last minute panicking,
days spent studying in freezers...
loads of food therapy,
tons of papers being used,
blisters from writing too hard and
pen with only hald the ink left,
I have finished my exams.. and so with the term that goes along with it. A gruelling term which made me think twice about how I plan my timetable in future, but a fun term nonetheless.
Abpsych was well.. weird... cause it made me believe I was suffering from some of those symptoms .
IO was interesting... both the subject mattter and the presence of an intelligent prof who was friendlier and nicer. Small class of 16 which made it nice (to some extent).
T&A was a mess... with its cheem readings of the works Marxism, Durkheim and Weber... try reading some abstract ideas written in flowery language and you'll get what I mean. I think it helps in like interest reading, but not to mug for exams. But another nice prof...
MPW was fun! Watching movie during class, loads of class activities. Really learning from experience... Didn't end on that high a note iwth a rather killer exam imo cause i couldn't really do some of it. Hahaha...
International Econs... a love hate relationship with it... I quite enjoy the subject matter and doing project with wonderful people! Yet... killer exams and I just dunno how to study the subject, It was nice to read about it though...
Finishing Touch... learning how to eat properly and dressing well for 830 class was quite a challenge. Learnt some stuff, disagreed with others.. had a forgettable interview... and well.. it was too short to really leave an impact on me.
Ok.. so this kinda summed up my term... 2 years over in a blink of an eye... Plans for summer, curl up in bed with good books, hopefully get my internship, earn some cash... Go on a trip... make myself useful somewhere, somehow?
Good luck to all those who have yet to take their exams...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Has your brain literally felt 'full'? I felt like I was cramming stuff down my brain when I was studying for the last 3 papers the last couple of days. and it just felt saturated. Then after IO psych, i felt as if I emptied my brains and crammed in a whole load of Durkheim suicide and research design thingee... I just find the 'literal' feeling very fascinating. I wonder if the brain is like a one-litre water bottle. Like u fill it to the brim or sth...
Looking back, I think it is not that bad. Yeah.. post decision dissonance. Not really decision. Maybe post-event dissonance if there is any theory like that. You feel good after you do something.
People have asked me if I am crazy, doing so many modules in one sem and squeeezing my exams. I dunno... cause it's like... if you ask me to choose which modules ot give up, I can't really pin point anyone. I don't regret taking any of them because of the friends in there, project group, nice profs and a lot of other reasons. So... yeah.. just give up FT hor. Unfortunately, it was preassigned. So not much of a choice.
So why not take a slack term of 4 modules? I dunno.. cause it is really quite slack? Wahahhaa... ok.. I'm really not thinking very well liao...
How will I do? I dunno... Can't deny that it is at the back of my mind. But when you get so tired of everything, think so much also no use lor. Just take things as they come ba. I'm in a rather stoned mode now. Effect of relying on stimulants like coffee and ginseng to get me through these few days. Yeah... if I had started earlier, maybe things will not be so bad. Unfortunately, a bit too late lar...
2 more papers... and it is the end of my 2nd year. That's damn fast lor...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Am suffering the consequences of my procrastination. Been typing out abpsych notes, finishing my End of Course evaluation for FT and putting together bits and pieces of my T&A report. Sheesh! I have yet to comprehend Durkheim and his Suicide Theory. Bah!
a few mor ehours to the end of the day. Please give me the stregth to carry on and hope I won't screw up to badly in the next 2 days. Even if I do, I pray that my last 2 papers will be able to save my grades.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
my 3rd day in presentation outfit (read: black suit) in a row.. Bah! I feel os overdressed when I'm walking around school. But bo bian lar.. it's like FT mock interview on Monday, FT Dineout on Tues at 9am! and I received a call from Ascott group to go for an interview at 4 for some internship that I applied at. So I appeared in school black pants with blazer in tow again..
The interview went ok i guess... didn't feel like 'connection' but wasn't that unpleasant too.. But half the time, I wished I was mugging.. which leads me to...
I AM FINALLY, slowly getting into the swing of mugging... of studying. I have THE DRIVE! Yay!!! Now to sustain it for a week. Cannot lar.. a few more days... so many paper. start to panic liao...
Like my fren said... 'If i dun study, at most I screw up 2 or 3 modules... if you (ie: me) don't study, you will screw up 5' so yeah!
Time to hit the books! :)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
I'm just been having this panic-ky and very 忐忑不安 feeling. I dunno why. Study Study... mug mug mug...
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Had a nice de-stressing session (cue: ktv) with the gassy people (ok.. I think 'the gassy people' sounds weird) But yeah... then went for a long swim and a nice dinner with my sis. Tmr I shall start completing all my reports (note: plural). I think I've had enough merry making. It is time to settle down and start mugging.
I'll be in school on Monday and Tuesday courtesy of FT.. other than that... shall see my mood.. and a whole load of other factors.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I think I'm suffering from personality disorder - antisocial disorder because I am not following the norm. Throw in a bit of depression whereby there is loss of mood and appetite.
Hopefully I don't have any sexual disorders... nor problems with gender identity. I am glad I'm not a caffeine (stimulant) addict. Maybe I should take some sedatives and go to sleep. Miss the class and presentation.
I think i'm displaying symptoms of schizophrenia. Studying abpsych... No.. not contemplating suicide though. Hahaha...
test in 1.5 hours. I gotta be in school in half an hour. Help!!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
1 presentation, 1 more test and my term is effectively over.
Been in a choir-y mood recently. Feel like singing all the SN songs. 'Candle on the Water', 'Silver Lining'. Don't know what caused the certain bout of nostalgy.
Slides to prepare, script to write, notes to study. Seems like a lot of things to do before I sleep tonight.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Just felt like blogging this lyrics down...
Broken hearts,
Crying eyes....
Wait alone, in the dark of the night
It's time we went beyond the walls of our own lives...
It's time we heard the difference, it's time we heard the cry
One by one...
Hand in hand...
Hearts to hearts... oh we've got to understand
There's so much more to life than living day to day.
We got to bridge the distance,
we got to make the way.
Let's be the hands, that comfort every cold and lonely man
Let's be the feet, for those who do not have the strength to stand
Let's be the love, that reaches out to every boy and girl
Let's be the arms, that reach around the World
Friday, March 24, 2006
These couple of weeks have been kind of a roller coaster. Kinda slacky (cause I only have 2 presentations), yet fraught with deadlines and anxiety as prsentations loom and exams knock on the door.
I would say I'm not a very good presenter. I had blanked out or rambled through what I say, or speak inaudibly (or so I think). Hahaha.. so today was good..
Slackign in the school library now... Dinner with qinny! Yay! good food! :)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
A post I wrote on 1st March, the day before my t&a... wrote and saved it as draft... looks like I was right after all...
Perhaps it is because I have the list of question that is coming out for tmr's paper in front of me... I don't feel like starting.
Perhaps it is because my lessons start at 145 tmr and so I know I will have the more time tmr to study.
Perhaps I just want to drag late into the night... and hopefully lengthen the time I have.
What I believe in: Everything comes at a price. I slack now and I have to pay it back later in terms of grades, insecurity, carelessness, more pressure @ 4 am later...
hohoho.. I just realise I have no class after tmr's t&a midterms... and me just realised my T&A midterm is worth 40%!
I see how I am actually applying psych theories in this case... Maybe lowering expectations of goals... trying ot justify (I had 3 midterms tt week!)... but... sigh... still feeling down... down.. down...
One of my worse midterm grades ever... tt's kinda bad... :(
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Today happens to be one of such morning. I don't know what I did wrong... (I didn't exactly sleep that late.... nor wake up that early) Yet I'm feeling like crap now...
I gotta drag myself off to school soon... *ulps*... Week 12 is a-coming! Lalala...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
IO paper due tmr @ 5. Thank goodness for late deadlines. but it doesn't really change the fact that I am quite dead...
3000 - 4000 words... Current word count: 191. Congratulate me... But I do believe that words will flow once I start proper... Hahaha... *crosses fingers* In fact, I hope I will be able ot churn out more words than needed... Cutting is easier than squeezing more things out.
I don't feel panicky at all. Instead, I had the time to watch TV, watch shows yesterday... talk about prioritising and making effort...
Monday, March 13, 2006
After than, went back to SN! I so miss the school! And I realised we did a lot of walking when we were there. The school just seems so big! From the Street 13 entrance to Sunken forum. :)
The fair was ok. We walked around, but there wasn't much to like entice us. Games do not really attract us... and food was like... normal? Usual funfair stuff? hahaha... We had like $30 bucks worth of coupons left after walking one round. But they sure brought in a lot of stuff. Amusement rides, EZone gaming machines... Oh ya... It was so freaking hot!
So later, we went to Soyabean to chill. Hahaha... one of our hang-outs then? and it was pouring! on the spur of the moment... we went yodelling!!! Wah! It was a good stress-reliever! So much for having impromptu friends.
Can't help but notice how things have changed. But memories are always there. I go back to SN not really to see the teachers (cause they can't really remember me. Stood in front of TSW for some time, but she showed no hint of recognition! hahaha...), not really to see the school (cause it's painted in quite a disgusting colours now) but more of to relive memories.
Today was SMU open house.
Question no. 1: What are the job prospects of a Social Science Student.
Question no. 2: Can you tell me more about your degree programme?
Ok.. so... what do you want to hear? Bah! I felt like I was on repeat mode after a while lor. You can do what you want.. social science disciplines provdie you with certain skill sets that you can use in most jobs... It depends on your interest. LIke... what do you want me to say? you can be a prof, a psychologist? a hypnotist?
I think some people do have some misconception of a psychologist. Maybe not 'enlightened individuals' as Siyi puts it.
Oh... Question of the day: I am interested in Sociology. What does a sociologist do? like....
A whole myriad of other questions that I spent 4 hours answering. It was rather excrutiating, yet I dunno if I was like that the last time. Oh.. and the banging of drums came at the most inappropriate time. There was this performance by a drumming ensemble in the school and the freaking place was enclosed lar. How smart can people get? There was no way people could ask/answer questions! I had to raise my voice a few decibels and felt I was shouting.
A lot of money spent on the 'wow' factor. And seriously, I think the admin building is a big waste of money. The offices are located from Level 7 onwards. And there is virtually nothing much from the 1st to 6th storey. What a waste of prime office space! Just a sports hall, a conferent hall and load of space! we are not having some art exhibition lor...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
no one is online or on MSN between 11 and 12! or rather, no one I want to talk to... I suppose everyone is on their way to school.
Had an interesting chat yesterday. Are all of us too caught up with pursuing wealth, power, control that we neglect other things? My friend was commenting that many people just follow the set route. The 'go to uni, get a degree, slog your guts out, make big bucks and be successful'. But in the process, we forget the lesser things that we would like to do. Those that do not pay much, but is something that we would really really like to do.
Hmmm.. I have no answer to that. are we really too conditioned to do well in life?
I am pursuing what I think I love. but I dunno what other things I would really really like to do, but turn my back on it. have we been conditioned to just pursue the material things in life? It's like maybe it is not a wrong thing to pursue psych, but it is the filed I go into that matters. Do I go into something because it has more career prospects? Or do I do something like social work and counselling which doesn't pay a lot, but helps people? Could there be a balance?
perhaps it's just that I am indifferent to a lot of things. Anything can-go. I am not passionate about certain cause like Animal Welfare, Youth issues and stuff.
Ok.. enough rambling. My meeting is supposed to start in 2 mins. Any guesses that people will be late?
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
But surprisingly, I've been trying (quite successfully) to sleep earlirt (read: 12 - 1). hahaha.. woke up at bright and early 9am this morning... and I actually managed to do some work before heading to school soon for IE meeting...
Wahahahas... Hopefully I can keep this up with deadlines looming... I still dunno what to write for my IO paper yet... it is supposed to be a commentary on one of the various topics. Hmmm... comment on what? and did I mention, it's supposed to be 3000 to 4000 words. So.. that's like this weedend's work cut out for me.
I refuse to stay up the whole of wed night to rush it for Thursday's deadline like what I did last year for my RMSS paper and other stuff.. Wish me luck!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
I adopted 2 eggs today... (via Char's blog) :)

Caught NTUCO at Singapore Conference Hall yesterday... It was like a gathering of SN girls... Went for face-off on Friday... Rock concert by 3 good bands... Ok... i only liked 2...
A satisfying end to midterm week... Now time to pick up the pieces and start work...
A packed week ahead with interviews for MPW project scheduled, planning and preparation of IO psych paper, filling out Econs Project, Research note and MPW journals due...
and to watch Munich!