First of all, a big thank you for all of you who came yesterday! Thanks for the presents!
TO Fran, Meiju, Wanling, Baoqin, Cynthia.. I really like the jacket! Hahaha.. I'll wear it to school often enough so you all will see it! Yes Fran.. you and Meiju have good taste! :)
To Gan Ann, Renjie, Duan, Chiching... I'm still not over the book! It's so nice!!!
To Claire... what can I say. The cake was marvelous... and I think you just converted me into a sour cream and onion dips person! Thanks for all your help!
TO Sharon... Thanks for your gift! I'll try and remain inspired.
Special mention to Baoqin who came over on Friday to help me with this!

It's so princess-y! Haha... and one night's work for hanging 26 balloons and 2 streamers. Not bad huh? We should practice more and them go into events management.
Ya.. and thanks to my brother who helped me collect the sushi... and my parents, sis and auntie who helped to make it food with all the food and stuffies!
And all who came... I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and the food and the fondue!
SMU peeps... and..
St Nicks frens! :)
Oh.. oh.. oh.. I must post this!
The 2 SS guys at my mercy!!! Wahahahs! :)
Had a great time playing the infamous 'polar bear'... and Uno Attack!!!
After that was a ktv session @ partyworld!
Serenading, yodelling, butchering of songs, dueting, harmonising.. and who can forget! (Come on everyone! 1... 2... 3...) "霍霍霍霍霍霍霍霍", "我我我我我我我我"
SO high!!!
Good food! GREAT COMPANY! Fun people, Karaoke! What else can I ask for?
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