Saturday, February 12, 2005

The cut on my finger has became an ugly red welt... Been super unproductive.. Took a whole afternoon to read a democracy reading... Sianz... Not working hard as usual... But then again.. I'm clearer on some stuff... Just that I need to commit them to memory... 1 more day.. Gambate!!!

Well.. obviously studying is not the only thing on my mind this weekend... but I'll just try my best to balance the 2.. .well.. I feel like I'm in sec sch, trying to cram for tests/exams the night before... Mwahahaha... Hope everything will be fine.. if not, I'll just have to write a better paper/ mug harder for finals for demo, give a better presentation/research/work harder for finals for social psych.. and err... screw CT!!! Mwahahaha...

Kinda peeved... esp when ppl dun reply your emails... which are explicitly stated URGENT!!! GaH!!! but then again... Another person just made my day... So there.. you win some, you lose some...

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