Fine... I got a sms at 11 saying that the meeting time was pushed back by 1 hour. Fine with me cause I was still lazing in bed. When I was bathing, Siyi called. She refused to leave a message. Just nice after I emerged from the bathroom, Angie called.
My jaw dropped when she asked me to open the door... :o
Oh well, so I thought I'll just get escorted to town. Then...


The cake looks quite pro right? Well, the 2 non-home econs girls actually baked this!!!

Pics of the lovely and delicious peach yogurt cake (with loads of butter cream)

Siyi and Angie!!!
*Muacks!!!* I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!
I'm really touched that you all stayed up till 530 to bake the cake and for coming down all the way to surprise me!!! Thanks for making the 21st of May 2005 such a memorable one!!! Hahaha...


Had a scrumpelicious dinner! Look at the food we polished off! Well.. glad that it was well within 'budget'! ;)


Ok.. I'm having fun experimenting with Picasa now... So here are more pics!

More pics!

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