Well.. one week ago, I went for HIS concert!
Hahaha.. this is what seats at ROW 6 yielded! Hahaha... to be able to see him walk past you like barely one metre away and the chance to his sleeve... as that's what Yuanshan did... Yeah... just wanted to note that I was at Row 6!!!
Ya... so I spent the past 1 week in lala Jay Chou land... but I'm glad to say I'm snapping out of it... After a mega Jay Chou ktv session with the gassy gals...
So... on the school front, I'm proud to say that the first draft of my Thesis study is up!!! Yep! managed to put the study on this computer programme... SO just need to troubleshoot it, make it more aesthetically pleasing and I'm ready to run my study!!! yeah!!!
Taking 3 mods makes me more slack... Or rather, it gives me the illusion that I have a lot of free time! But at least I make use of some of them to do my Ethics reading... I think Ethics is a rather 'crappable' subject... Give a company an ethical dilemma.... and then... who to consider? why should you consider this and why not that.... Principles and theories...
For Psych of Reasoning and Thinking, we have to read 1 journal article a week... and then prepare a presentation explaining the study conducted in the article. We would then be randomly picked to present the article. I was 'lucky' enough to be randomly chosen to present for the past 2 weeks liao...
Ok.. ending this post with yet another of the pics taken... I dunno whether I love my camera more or the seats I had. Hahahaha...