Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I don't think I've ever felt so disgusted studying for any modules in my whole 3.5 years of uni life. I just feel like crying whenever I flip the developmental psych textbook.

What's in the finals? Everything from text, slides and presentations.

Some things in the slides are not in the textbook. A LOT of things in the textbook are not in the slides.

I don't see a central theme or concept that I can organize my thoughts with. For example, in the chapter on physical and cognitive development in early adulthood, I get stuff on:
  • Emerging adulthood (people in bwtween adolescence and early adulthood),
  • Creativity (with tips on how to be creative)
  • Sexuality which includes STDs, rape, homosexuality debate
  • Work - how to choose a job, what kind of outloook, how losing job would increase stress

How are the latter 2 related to either cognitive or physical development?

There's just so much to read and memorise and I can't do it. I have no idea how she is going to test them. I've been whining ever since I started studying. How come it never seems to be better?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

It's Thursday! Ack! Where has the week gone???

Trying to mug... mug... mug... Squeeze in a couple of meetings on some outstanding projects, some time spent slacking and having a long lunch. Yup, I have 4 days more to exams. Jiayou!

On a happier note, I'm hooked onto jay Chou's new album. Happy Happy songs! I like almost all the songs except maybe for 无双 which is still ok, just not one that I can listen to it on repeat. Current favs include 彩虹, 蒲公英的约定, 青花瓷, 阳光宅男. Soundalicious!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Ok... I'll either need to
a) lock up my laptop, or
b) not turn it on, or
c) ditch it, or
d) let it rot at home while i'm in school and vice versa. or
e) what other ways are there to not use a laptop?

I'm just doing a million and one thing besides studying. Try... visiting blogs multiple times a day, reading news...

I study. Just too little.
Just went to collect my new passport... Waiting 2 hours to get it.

Annoying neighbours who are doing some reno work... prevented me from sleeping with the incessant and annoying drilling this morning.

Mugging in school... books, papers strewn all over. Developmental psych...

Reports and data analysis due.. soon...

Hooked onto playing computer games. What is new? Control.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

This sem has been trying
and i'm not winning.
No matter how well I do,
I'll still lose.

I spent less time laughing this sem
I spent more time fretting this sem.
Sometimes, I don't know myself anymore.
What I want. Why i do certain things. How I escape.

I run when things don't go well
I disappear.
At the end of the day,
does it matter so much?

Thanks to those who have been by me
I've been a pretty whiney bitch all sem I know.
Just too caught up with things,
I wish I could change.

Would I exchange all that I achieve,
for times better spent?
Maybe if I could,
I would spend more time with you, you and you.

It's not too late. I hope.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So today went ok... after rushing the paper, mugging for my term-end test... Did decently ok for the MCQ test... A couple of careless mistakes and not rusting myself got to me... but i am over it...

Tired from lack of sleep. Running pilot study now...

I have 2 more days of class... But I officially have met all deadlines for school related work now. Yay! 1 more report for the consulting project due though... But yeah.. working on it.

I need sleep.
I'm frankly on the verge of hysteria now... I have a 20% MCQ/True-False test tomorrow at 830... I am still halfway through my stuff.. and I'm editing and touching up my Apple report. Due tomorrow as well.

The test is important to me cause I think it makes or breaks my grade for this mod.. and I need to MAKE IT...

It sucks. My groupmates are probably studying... and mugging or sleeping after mugging. Makes me think I'm being the stupid one. But.. the report is 40%. What do you want me to do? Throw in a half-baked work? I hate it when they don't offer comments... I bet there are grammatical errors and stuff they didn't catch. Makes me wonder if they read the report. Might as well it be an individual report in that case?

Maybe I shall just not sleep tonight. pia!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

=== Start of Rant ===


I sent out a report at 1 am on Sunday night. I did up most of the report. I just needed people to look through , edit and email me to tell me that it is ok.

It was 9.45pm. Only 1 member replied me. They had Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to look through. At 10pm. I received another email telling me she just checked her mail. Don't kid me. Never check mail from Sunday to Tuesday???

I asked a question as to whether we should analyze this part in the report. No one replied to that question, telling me everything is fine and there is nothing to add. Errr... ok? So do I am not supposed to add anything to my question?

I had to CALL to get an answer.


=== End of Rant ===

Monday, November 05, 2007

Ok.. so in the last 6 days since I blogged, I finished... 2 presentations with 2 group papers... The presentation for cogpsych was pretty bad I would say... but then other things happened to make up for it.. Like me suddenly realising how to write my OCD paper on Apple (Thanks Fran!) and the getting my approval to start on my pilot study for my thesis.

And then, it was pia-ing for my dev psych paper and presentation... Paper and presentation up in just 2 and a half meetings? Thanks to Baoqin, Chiching and Yen Ee who made me realise the importance of having wonderful wonderful groupmates! :) Stayed back in school on Thursday night to rush the report and slides when the presentaiton was Fri. But i would say we managed to pull off a pretty decent job trying to convince people of the merits of cohabitation.

And then... it was the mad rush for the important proposal report for my thesis... I started at 10am on Sat... and then worked on it all the way until 2am that very night. I had breaks.. but they were minimal k! I have never poured so much sweat and blood. Of course, the first draft was not very pretty... and I had some editing to do the next day... but it's the first time I actually finished a paper like way before it's due...

For the past few papers, I usually rush it through the night.. and hand them in just barely before the deadlines.. So yep.. quite happy with this. Used up so much of my brain on Saturday that I slacked a bit on Sunday.. before putting the finishing touches in.

Am pretty satisfied with my work.. now hoping that my prof thinks the same way too...

The week ahead... Another paper to churn out.. The apple one this time. Nothing to my project mates.. but I seem to be doing up the full report. It's like I'm doing it up from scratch and just incorporating the points in. It's getting tough... and I feel like bitching about my groupmates. But I also know it's not their fault. Did I take on too much then? is it a case of mistrust? or do I think too highly of myself? I feel my brain being squeezed.. but ya... as usual.. everything will be fine. :)