Haha is in hospital - 'Haha' being the name that my sister gave to my trusty ol' laptop.
Going to reformat it so that it would be as good as new! Meanwhile... sobs.. i shall go read a book or sth.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Heh.. this has been a rather quiet CNY... Maybe with a lousier substitute driver, they decided to spare me, the car and not let me drive so much.
Except for a seemingly hectic Day 1 where we went first ot my aunt's place, followed by a gathering of my relatives from my maternal side at my place, yesterday and today have somewhat been rather activity-less. An ex-colleague of my dad came over yesterday afternoon. Afterwhich we went out for a while. Then it was hiberbating at home last night. And I was home today...
Ok... and to add on to my previous list of being a not very good driver, I forgot to lock the car door yesterday. *diaoz* win right? And I discovered it when we were about to go back. Hahaha... I had a kinda bad feeling about it... but I didn't expect to have not locked it at all. Well.. have to be more careful.
Oh.. .and stuff from my Swiss uni came! I think I may have a 2 week semester break from 21st May to 3rd June. Woohoo! But I came across this module which takes place on Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat of the week of 21st May. The class is like from 10am to 5pm... Woah.. talk about intensive lessons. Not sure if I will actually do it though. Hahaha... and looking at the introduction programme, I'm gonna have like a totally intensive week of learning German cause I am a beginner. Imagine lessons like from 9am to 1 pm, then another round from 2pm to 4pm or 5pm or sth like that. Bleahz... and it's for one and a half weeks! I'm quite sure I'll be able to speak some German at the end of it.
Oh.. and a bit late.. but here's wishing everyone a great year ahead!!!
新年快乐,身体健康, 万事如意,心想事成,大吉大利, 恭喜发财。。。 财源滚滚来!!!
Except for a seemingly hectic Day 1 where we went first ot my aunt's place, followed by a gathering of my relatives from my maternal side at my place, yesterday and today have somewhat been rather activity-less. An ex-colleague of my dad came over yesterday afternoon. Afterwhich we went out for a while. Then it was hiberbating at home last night. And I was home today...
Ok... and to add on to my previous list of being a not very good driver, I forgot to lock the car door yesterday. *diaoz* win right? And I discovered it when we were about to go back. Hahaha... I had a kinda bad feeling about it... but I didn't expect to have not locked it at all. Well.. have to be more careful.
Oh.. .and stuff from my Swiss uni came! I think I may have a 2 week semester break from 21st May to 3rd June. Woohoo! But I came across this module which takes place on Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat of the week of 21st May. The class is like from 10am to 5pm... Woah.. talk about intensive lessons. Not sure if I will actually do it though. Hahaha... and looking at the introduction programme, I'm gonna have like a totally intensive week of learning German cause I am a beginner. Imagine lessons like from 9am to 1 pm, then another round from 2pm to 4pm or 5pm or sth like that. Bleahz... and it's for one and a half weeks! I'm quite sure I'll be able to speak some German at the end of it.
Oh.. and a bit late.. but here's wishing everyone a great year ahead!!!
新年快乐,身体健康, 万事如意,心想事成,大吉大利, 恭喜发财。。。 财源滚滚来!!!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Driving is extremely tiring... and hazardous... yet liberating (going on expressways) and makes me feel in control.
Heh.. have been behind the wheel a lot the last couple of days since my dad fractured his wrist last week and was put in a cast. Thus, I've become the chauffeur, driving ppl here and there.
In the past, I only drive my brother back to camp on occassional weekends. IN the last couple of days, I
1) Drove to Balestier to buy veggies for reunion steamboat.
2) Drove to Ulu Pandan (yes Fran... I actually passed ur place!) twice, once ot pick up something for my Mum's friend and another time to pick up her phone which she left behind.
3) Went to somewhere near Queenstown to pick up sth
4) Went to Chinatown
5) Woke up at 7am to drive my brother back to camp early this morning (yeah.. on 年初一). It was ALL the way to the jetty at Pasir Ris...
Heh... and not without incidents lor. On Friday night, I backed into a car when I tried parking at the void deck of my uncle's place where we went for reunion dinner. Sigh.. didn't realise there was a car behind me. and I tried to reverse into a lot. Smart right? But was quite miffed with the lady. She actually ASKED ME... 'You SURE YOU GOT LICENSE?' (Argh!!! *smokes coming out from my ears*) It was an unintentional mistake lor...
Then today... got horned at. Cause there was a lousy car from the oncoming lane which was turning right, yet jutted into my lane. So of course I had to go around it. So some car behind me had to brake and stuff so that it won't hit me. Sigh...
practice makes perfect. At least my vertical parking is not that bad. But driving can be quite stressful... and ironically, fun. I think I sound quite sadistic. Fun when I feel stressed. But haven't driven alone before. Hahaha... always got ppl in the car one.
Anyway, my stint as a driver makes my appreciate my Dad even more. All the driving up and down and without complaints.
Heh.. have been behind the wheel a lot the last couple of days since my dad fractured his wrist last week and was put in a cast. Thus, I've become the chauffeur, driving ppl here and there.
In the past, I only drive my brother back to camp on occassional weekends. IN the last couple of days, I
1) Drove to Balestier to buy veggies for reunion steamboat.
2) Drove to Ulu Pandan (yes Fran... I actually passed ur place!) twice, once ot pick up something for my Mum's friend and another time to pick up her phone which she left behind.
3) Went to somewhere near Queenstown to pick up sth
4) Went to Chinatown
5) Woke up at 7am to drive my brother back to camp early this morning (yeah.. on 年初一). It was ALL the way to the jetty at Pasir Ris...
Heh... and not without incidents lor. On Friday night, I backed into a car when I tried parking at the void deck of my uncle's place where we went for reunion dinner. Sigh.. didn't realise there was a car behind me. and I tried to reverse into a lot. Smart right? But was quite miffed with the lady. She actually ASKED ME... 'You SURE YOU GOT LICENSE?' (Argh!!! *smokes coming out from my ears*) It was an unintentional mistake lor...
Then today... got horned at. Cause there was a lousy car from the oncoming lane which was turning right, yet jutted into my lane. So of course I had to go around it. So some car behind me had to brake and stuff so that it won't hit me. Sigh...
practice makes perfect. At least my vertical parking is not that bad. But driving can be quite stressful... and ironically, fun. I think I sound quite sadistic. Fun when I feel stressed. But haven't driven alone before. Hahaha... always got ppl in the car one.
Anyway, my stint as a driver makes my appreciate my Dad even more. All the driving up and down and without complaints.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Yesterday was such a lovey dovey day.
Couples, roses everywhere. But why does this happen only on vday? A commercially celebrated day? But nevertheless, still a day for people to feel loved and appreciated.
Me? Still a member of the Lonely Hearts Club. But hah! Went for a good lunch and wonderful dessert. Got my Jim Brickman CD which was aptly titled 'Valentine'. Came home and listened to it. Hah! Who said singles can't have fun?
And yet, conflicting thoughts... When will I become part of a lovey dovey couple? My mantra has always been 'Let Nature take its own course', 'It is a 2 person thing, no point if it is not reciprocated'. Honestly, I'm quite happy being single (unless the air gets filled with too much saccharine sweetness...) Having no one to answer to, no need to fit someone into my life or change my life for anyone.
It's not that I dun believe in what I preach. But sometimes, especially during times like this, I do look around wistfully and wonder, when will it be my turn? How long can I go on being happily single? Why can't there be someone? But I believe in finding the right apple. Maybe not that big, red, shiny juicy all-in-one apple, but at least one with some semblance.
To all who have found their halves, may you fall deeper in love with each other, and have many many more wonderful memories.
To all singles... may the right one come along. soon.
Couples, roses everywhere. But why does this happen only on vday? A commercially celebrated day? But nevertheless, still a day for people to feel loved and appreciated.
Me? Still a member of the Lonely Hearts Club. But hah! Went for a good lunch and wonderful dessert. Got my Jim Brickman CD which was aptly titled 'Valentine'. Came home and listened to it. Hah! Who said singles can't have fun?
And yet, conflicting thoughts... When will I become part of a lovey dovey couple? My mantra has always been 'Let Nature take its own course', 'It is a 2 person thing, no point if it is not reciprocated'. Honestly, I'm quite happy being single (unless the air gets filled with too much saccharine sweetness...) Having no one to answer to, no need to fit someone into my life or change my life for anyone.
It's not that I dun believe in what I preach. But sometimes, especially during times like this, I do look around wistfully and wonder, when will it be my turn? How long can I go on being happily single? Why can't there be someone? But I believe in finding the right apple. Maybe not that big, red, shiny juicy all-in-one apple, but at least one with some semblance.
To all who have found their halves, may you fall deeper in love with each other, and have many many more wonderful memories.
To all singles... may the right one come along. soon.
Heh.. this is a little fast.. but I have settled my housing. Walalalas...
Actually, I didn't really have an issue with where I stay. But more of the location where my parents would be less worried. After troubling the housing coordinator (I may have been the most picky and fussy exchange student he ever dealt with... heez), I finally got myself a room in a modern house with a garden apparently. Whatever.. shall reserve my comments until I see it.
I'll be contented as long as I have my internet connection. If I really dun get along with my apartment mates, then I'll just lock myself in my room everyday or sth. The whole point of an exchange is probably to experience what life overseas is about. So, I'm fine whether I get to stay with locals or other exchange students. In fact, staying with students from other nationalities may even be better. But I think older generation have this preconception to 'play it safe'. Ah wells... settled.. Dun have to think so much about it now.
And after paying up for my insurance, I think I've settled most of the major stuff. There's only the passport photo left! Woohoo!
Actually, I didn't really have an issue with where I stay. But more of the location where my parents would be less worried. After troubling the housing coordinator (I may have been the most picky and fussy exchange student he ever dealt with... heez), I finally got myself a room in a modern house with a garden apparently. Whatever.. shall reserve my comments until I see it.
I'll be contented as long as I have my internet connection. If I really dun get along with my apartment mates, then I'll just lock myself in my room everyday or sth. The whole point of an exchange is probably to experience what life overseas is about. So, I'm fine whether I get to stay with locals or other exchange students. In fact, staying with students from other nationalities may even be better. But I think older generation have this preconception to 'play it safe'. Ah wells... settled.. Dun have to think so much about it now.
And after paying up for my insurance, I think I've settled most of the major stuff. There's only the passport photo left! Woohoo!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Ever had the feeling that when you see something, sometimes, you would think 'oh.. it's perfect for so and so' or that 'this suits whoever'. But how often is that 'someone' your mum, your dad or even your siblings?
That hit me real hard today when my dad and I were thinking of what to get my mum for her bday. How much do we know about our own family members?
That hit me real hard today when my dad and I were thinking of what to get my mum for her bday. How much do we know about our own family members?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Packing my room is like bringing me a trip down memory lane... (ok... not that long ago... but still...)
Ojects of notable mention are:
The farewell note that 校长 gave us when she retired in 2000. In it, she talked about her journey as Principal of St Nicks. Reading it brings back memories of her calling us 宝贝 and her treats, and her announcements to 多多喝水. It even has a note telling us her rationale for giving us the farewell gifts - a bag, watch, water bottle and scarf. Heh.. I have no idea where my water bottle went.
Then there is my VJ carolling scores. I got them at the end of Sec 4. (2001) when I joined them for carolling. What followed was 4 years plus of carolling with them. Plus wonderful memories of putting up concerts (2 SOVs plus a couple others) and of course taking part in SYF where I performed on Esplanade stage. (Hey! At least I could say I did that!), not to forget a trip to Prague. Alas.. won't be going for Symphony of Voices this yr as I am going to be in faraway Switz.
Also, there is the box of brochures which I brought back from Australia in 2003 because I wanted to do some sort of s scrap book... that never took off...
Then the notebook I got from freshmen orientation 2004 when I first entered SMU plus old copies of the school magazine, Blurt, which talked about the move to the city campus and stuff...
Oh.. and I still have my f. maths TYS. Maybe to serve as a reminder that I once could solve those complicated and questions
Ojects of notable mention are:
The farewell note that 校长 gave us when she retired in 2000. In it, she talked about her journey as Principal of St Nicks. Reading it brings back memories of her calling us 宝贝 and her treats, and her announcements to 多多喝水. It even has a note telling us her rationale for giving us the farewell gifts - a bag, watch, water bottle and scarf. Heh.. I have no idea where my water bottle went.
Then there is my VJ carolling scores. I got them at the end of Sec 4. (2001) when I joined them for carolling. What followed was 4 years plus of carolling with them. Plus wonderful memories of putting up concerts (2 SOVs plus a couple others) and of course taking part in SYF where I performed on Esplanade stage. (Hey! At least I could say I did that!), not to forget a trip to Prague. Alas.. won't be going for Symphony of Voices this yr as I am going to be in faraway Switz.
Also, there is the box of brochures which I brought back from Australia in 2003 because I wanted to do some sort of s scrap book... that never took off...
Then the notebook I got from freshmen orientation 2004 when I first entered SMU plus old copies of the school magazine, Blurt, which talked about the move to the city campus and stuff...
Oh.. and I still have my f. maths TYS. Maybe to serve as a reminder that I once could solve those complicated and questions
Friday, February 09, 2007
Check out this video... Look at the grand piano in the middle of a frozen lake or sth...
I'm now falling in love with Jim Brickman's song. They are totally beautiful... Pianist with New Age albums. But some of his songs has vocals as well. I just think the lyrics and melody is just oh-so-nice and some of them can be quite touching!
Check out Valentine and The Gift if possible! :) :) :)
I'm now falling in love with Jim Brickman's song. They are totally beautiful... Pianist with New Age albums. But some of his songs has vocals as well. I just think the lyrics and melody is just oh-so-nice and some of them can be quite touching!
Check out Valentine and The Gift if possible! :) :) :)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
From Siyi...
Heh.. Law of Averages? 2 Cs and 2A+ gives me an average of A?
Category | Grade |
Love | C |
Friends and Family | A+ |
Body | A |
Mind | A+ |
Finance / Career | C |
Your Life's Average Grade: A | |
'What" is your Life Grade?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
Heh.. Law of Averages? 2 Cs and 2A+ gives me an average of A?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Went on a shopping spree yesterday...
Bought myself this pretty white laptop case. hahaha... Cause my blue one's a bit wonky. And I needed something harder than the red one cause i wanna protect my lappy when I get over there...
Let's see.. I bought earphones after all those I had at home decided to go on strike some time in the last sem.
And I got my adaptor... the ever elusive adaptor for Switzerland. It came in a pack with a lot of plugs for like many many diff countries. Hahaha...

Ok... I've bought almost everything I need. The only major things left to settle is insurance and probably changing my passport photo. Other than that... I can't wait to go over!!!
It's weird seeing your friends get on with their school life while I have the chance to languish at home, doing things I like. I feel so cut off from them in fact. :(
But i'm also enjoying whatever slack time I have. Just chilling, enjoying my books, music and what shopping. Hahaha... Well.. New Year's coming... maybe that's something to look forward to.
After CNY, then maybe time will pass faster as I start my packing and stuff...
Went on a shopping spree yesterday...

Let's see.. I bought earphones after all those I had at home decided to go on strike some time in the last sem.
And I got my adaptor... the ever elusive adaptor for Switzerland. It came in a pack with a lot of plugs for like many many diff countries. Hahaha...

Ok... I've bought almost everything I need. The only major things left to settle is insurance and probably changing my passport photo. Other than that... I can't wait to go over!!!
It's weird seeing your friends get on with their school life while I have the chance to languish at home, doing things I like. I feel so cut off from them in fact. :(
But i'm also enjoying whatever slack time I have. Just chilling, enjoying my books, music and what shopping. Hahaha... Well.. New Year's coming... maybe that's something to look forward to.
After CNY, then maybe time will pass faster as I start my packing and stuff...
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