Sunday, August 07, 2005

It feels as though it's a long time since I've blog. Too many things going on the past week... But it's all over and I'm glad all of them ended on a high note! =)

let's see.. spent loads of time getting to know the new campus. I realise my new school compound is very noisy. The automatic ascalators will buzz for an annoying long period of time if you happen to inch towards an escalator that does not operate in the direction you want to. Then, the gantry will produce a loud, embaressing beep if you stand to close to the person in front of you, try to smuggle ppl into the building. Use the same card to admit people. It's like some high security place. Oh.. I dun think I've mentioned that the card readers located outside rooms will beep incessantly when the doors are not shut. So much for a high-tech school...

Anyway, visited the School of Bio Sc @ NTU on Tues... Surprised the birthday girl, after which we proceeded to town for dinner... and we sat by the Esplanade riverside. I just adore that place!

Spent wed in SESS, preparing for Thurs' orientation.

Thursday... was spent collecting money and counting money... and well, being thoroughly entertained by the Social Science freshies. Working behind the scene is very different from being a helper or a participant. Most of the time, you don't see what is going on. You just sit around and busy yourself with pressing stuff, unexpected surprises, last minute screw ups. But it was good experience and exposure.

Fri... then went down to Chijmes for our first ever rehearsal... Reworking and finalising the script, all done in record time - one day before the actualy show! That day, I actually left school relatively early (read: 8pm) and wanted to go home for dinner. but there was no food at home cause they conveniently assumed that I would be otherwise engaged. Hahaha...

Sat morning was spent working out and finalising the details, powerpoint and stuff. Final rehearsals at Chijmes and I'm glad everything gel-led...

7 pm: The show begins... Well, the evening went by in a bit of a blur. Can't really remember what exactly happened and stuff. Was an unwilling accomplice to get freshies to take part in food challenges.

Let's see.. how does making the freshies consume thinge like belachan, mayonnaise, bittergourd, wasabi sound to you? I was kinda eeked out initially... But I guess it was ok. Hahaha...

Then after tt, it was boogey the night away! =)

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