Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Hahaha.. empress.. must remember i stil dun haf someone to hold on to me at the moment.. Hahaha... must wait long long la... Anyway, I really hate to strike-out that date from my calender... Sighz... Me think me shall leave it there to xin1 shang3 xin1 shang3.. Sighz... we must have more of such outings.. but den if too many den will become a bit the pointless like *ahem* them.. Ya... so contradictory hor...

Anyway... Hahaha... next thing to try is to go to a bar and drink some weird bartender concoction okiez??? Hiakz...

Got admitted to study Accountancy at NTU... hiakz... but me think my choice should still be SMU... wondering about the NUS FASS interview now... Somehow, haven't heard of anyone I know receiving any notice from them yet though... just friend's friend that sort of thing.. Shall worry about that later.. Hahaha....

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