Anyway, in HK, my owner went for Jay Chou's concert! *squeals...* It was superbly good.. but all the photos are in Mabel's computer.. so till she gets back...
In Hongkong, my owner visited Disneyland and watched the pretty fireworks, went Ocean Park, ate loads of mango desserts (esp 杨支甘露... see pic below), hotpot (ie: steamboat) and well.. shopped.
Yep yep... so that's for HK... So before I leave you all.. let me show you my multiple images...

Behold... General Bat Man! Don't I just look grand and regal???
Oh.. and on a final note, my owner wishes everyone a Merry Christmas (abeit belated) and a aHappy New Year. May all wishes come true for the next year... Oh... and hopes that you all will forgive her for not updating for so long. She is just enjoying herself nua-ing at home and not wanting to do anything. Another couple of weeks to nua away!!!!!!!!!