LiFe is FrAgiLe...
Just read the chinese newspaper which had like an 8 page coverage of Anita Mui... Well... just speechless as tears formed in my eyes.. i dun idolise her, or actually even listen to her songs... but ya... i still think it is a pity.. She's only 40!!! I dunno... LiFe is sHoRT...
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
hahaha.. i'm done with creating my first webpage... well.. learnt a lot.. esp the positioning and stuff... but ya... gotta admit tt i copied a lot here and there.. so i dun think it really counts.. Hiakz... but at least i tried~!~ Hmmm... maybe i shall embark on another one in the near future... but ya... took like what?? 4 hrs plus?? ok.. maybe less... but ya... Hiakz...
hahaha.. spent my whole day slacking... ok.. read one of those trashy romancei borrowed yesterday.. den ya.. spent the rest of it trying to do my maiden webpage for the REHK blog.. but ya.. not very successful... i dunno... things keep going out of place and ya.. my pictures dun show up and i'm trying to find an image hosting site.. which ya... dun costs money... sigheth.. but ya.. sort of getting the hang of it...
Monday, December 29, 2003
Just came home from luv actually.. Hmmm.. actually 2 hrs ago la.. Hiakz... sianz.. the show was not bad i suppose.. love story ies... Sighz... but ya.. maybe i expected more.. but well... at least i only spent $6.50 on it.. and where is the 'very cute guy that Mabel they all were talking about?? or am i blind?? Hiakz... Hahaha.. i think Hugh Grant aged a lot.. he still looks matured, good looking, but old...his face is like so crumpled or sth.. Hahaha.. but he is still quite a good actor i would say, not that you need a lot of acting for this sort of movie (romantic comedy)... Den i think the girls in the show are very pretty.. Hahaha... the bride(dunno wads her name), and the portugese housekeeper... den ya... but the guys sort of all look the same to me.. or maybe i haven't been watching a lot of english shows or something... On second thoughts, maybe quite glad i caught it.. yup.. "Love Actually... is everywhere"
Sigheth.. been feeling at odds with myself for days.. i think i shall attribute it to the medication which I am taking to nurse my cough.. But ya.. it makes me drowsy.. and i feel mean and angry and pissed if I'm drowsy.. Dunno.. just get pissed off or irritated at the slightest things that happened recently.. Haha.. i think I'm turning into a more melancholic person.. and maybe too sensitive too.. *ouch*! Sigheth.. hopefully I'll become my normal, usual happy self soon... maybe it is the dratted cough which refuses to heal~!~ Hahaha...
Hahaha.. tomorrow will most prob be staying at home.. not that i mind.. been out too much liaoz... i have corns on my feet.. evident of too much walking.. or maybe it is time to change my slippers... or start wearing shoes... Hiakz... or maybe i'l go dye my hair.. if my mum is paying it for me.. had sort of a 'you-mean-you-are-out-of-money-again" lecture dis morning... cause i came back on the 9th dec.. so my mum couldn't fathom how i managed to splurge all that money away.. but you see arh, there was the chalet, two movies... and i had to buy 8 pressies plus i bought breakfast one day... so ya.. it all adds up. but i din regret doing any of that.. so ya... Hahaha... sianz... but it also means i gotta go find a job REAL soon. so ya.. dunno if she still wanna sponser my hair dye... and i think she'll flip when the latest phone bill comes.. *oops* Hiakz... Hmmm.. but looking back, if i really spend like that every month after i start working, I'll definitely be penniless even after slogging my life away or sth...
Sigheth.. been feeling at odds with myself for days.. i think i shall attribute it to the medication which I am taking to nurse my cough.. But ya.. it makes me drowsy.. and i feel mean and angry and pissed if I'm drowsy.. Dunno.. just get pissed off or irritated at the slightest things that happened recently.. Haha.. i think I'm turning into a more melancholic person.. and maybe too sensitive too.. *ouch*! Sigheth.. hopefully I'll become my normal, usual happy self soon... maybe it is the dratted cough which refuses to heal~!~ Hahaha...
Hahaha.. tomorrow will most prob be staying at home.. not that i mind.. been out too much liaoz... i have corns on my feet.. evident of too much walking.. or maybe it is time to change my slippers... or start wearing shoes... Hiakz... or maybe i'l go dye my hair.. if my mum is paying it for me.. had sort of a 'you-mean-you-are-out-of-money-again" lecture dis morning... cause i came back on the 9th dec.. so my mum couldn't fathom how i managed to splurge all that money away.. but you see arh, there was the chalet, two movies... and i had to buy 8 pressies plus i bought breakfast one day... so ya.. it all adds up. but i din regret doing any of that.. so ya... Hahaha... sianz... but it also means i gotta go find a job REAL soon. so ya.. dunno if she still wanna sponser my hair dye... and i think she'll flip when the latest phone bill comes.. *oops* Hiakz... Hmmm.. but looking back, if i really spend like that every month after i start working, I'll definitely be penniless even after slogging my life away or sth...
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Hahaha.. tooked loads of quizzes.. ripped them off from the spy' s site... was bored...
Okay... been out the whole day... yah... today is my Grandma's 1 yr death anniversary according to the lunar calendar.. fast huh?? Hmmm... Ok la.. i mean nth much.. just went over to my uncle's house the pray and burn offerings cause her tablet (is it spelled this way??) is there... den went to Bishan to pray and burn more offerings.. Hmmm... I dunno..... no particular feeling i guess... I suppose TiMe does heal wounds...
Ya.. den later went for lunch.. there's diz place at Havelock, near Tiong Bahru MRT tt have like lunch special whereby you pay $20 for 4 dishes which you choose from a menu which include prawns, chicken and fish.. Hmmm.. not bad la... den later went up to my grandma's hse lor.. nearby what.. Sighz... i dunno.. gotta pray for my grandfather's 1 year anniversary in 2 weeks time...
HMmm.... time flies... den after that is chinese new year liaoz... Hahaha.. Finally!! My mum decides to have steamboat this yr for my family.. Hahaha... Yay!! I luRvE steamboat!!! HiAkZ.... Anyway, today happens to be VJ choir's farewell.. at Sentosa.. yeah.. but my mum was neh-hing and trying to dissuade me from going... so i tot might as well stay... i also not tt keen though i din mind going cause after all, i think it'll be the last time i ever see them anyway... den ya... to avoid a big confrontation or sth... i dunno leh.. seems like some 'big discussion' will occur soon leh.. been disagreeing with my mum lately on a lot of trivial issues.. Bah!!! Shall worry about it when the time comes... Hiakz.... but yah.. here i am, at home.. Hahaha...
Anyway, i called Ms Tay today cause my mum's bugging me to help her fren look for a tutor.. Oh well.. we talked for a while la.. and ya.. she forgot and tot i was like in J1 or sth.. Hiakz.. quite funny.. den she was like dissuading me from taking psychology.. Hiakz.. ya.. i mean ya.. she asked me to be more pragmatic... cause psychology is not recognised as a professional degree here ma... den unless I'm very sure i wanna go into that line, she asked me to maybe try sth else... and well.. i dunno... she say there is a demand for accountants... Hmmm.. see results how first den decide la...
Hmmmm... Yay!! tomorrow going to watch Love Actually!! Finally.. but before that i haf to go see doctor.. dun think my mum's going to let me off... den after that i may wanna drop by IRAS to ask them form temp job.. my senior say it may be easier to get the temp job if i go straight.. den after that go catch movie lor.. Hmmm.. i hope i can wake up!!! Hahaha... den maybe can go shopping for some work clothes...
Okay... been out the whole day... yah... today is my Grandma's 1 yr death anniversary according to the lunar calendar.. fast huh?? Hmmm... Ok la.. i mean nth much.. just went over to my uncle's house the pray and burn offerings cause her tablet (is it spelled this way??) is there... den went to Bishan to pray and burn more offerings.. Hmmm... I dunno..... no particular feeling i guess... I suppose TiMe does heal wounds...
Ya.. den later went for lunch.. there's diz place at Havelock, near Tiong Bahru MRT tt have like lunch special whereby you pay $20 for 4 dishes which you choose from a menu which include prawns, chicken and fish.. Hmmm.. not bad la... den later went up to my grandma's hse lor.. nearby what.. Sighz... i dunno.. gotta pray for my grandfather's 1 year anniversary in 2 weeks time...
HMmm.... time flies... den after that is chinese new year liaoz... Hahaha.. Finally!! My mum decides to have steamboat this yr for my family.. Hahaha... Yay!! I luRvE steamboat!!! HiAkZ.... Anyway, today happens to be VJ choir's farewell.. at Sentosa.. yeah.. but my mum was neh-hing and trying to dissuade me from going... so i tot might as well stay... i also not tt keen though i din mind going cause after all, i think it'll be the last time i ever see them anyway... den ya... to avoid a big confrontation or sth... i dunno leh.. seems like some 'big discussion' will occur soon leh.. been disagreeing with my mum lately on a lot of trivial issues.. Bah!!! Shall worry about it when the time comes... Hiakz.... but yah.. here i am, at home.. Hahaha...
Anyway, i called Ms Tay today cause my mum's bugging me to help her fren look for a tutor.. Oh well.. we talked for a while la.. and ya.. she forgot and tot i was like in J1 or sth.. Hiakz.. quite funny.. den she was like dissuading me from taking psychology.. Hiakz.. ya.. i mean ya.. she asked me to be more pragmatic... cause psychology is not recognised as a professional degree here ma... den unless I'm very sure i wanna go into that line, she asked me to maybe try sth else... and well.. i dunno... she say there is a demand for accountants... Hmmm.. see results how first den decide la...
Hmmmm... Yay!! tomorrow going to watch Love Actually!! Finally.. but before that i haf to go see doctor.. dun think my mum's going to let me off... den after that i may wanna drop by IRAS to ask them form temp job.. my senior say it may be easier to get the temp job if i go straight.. den after that go catch movie lor.. Hmmm.. i hope i can wake up!!! Hahaha... den maybe can go shopping for some work clothes...
Independent Spirit - you're carefree and you know
who you are and what your purpose is. You have
a fine balance of keeping a childish
appreciation for life and a seasoned knowledge
of how cold the world can be - the kind of
wisdom that comes with many years of existence.
You are your own individual and you are wise.
You respect yourself and everyone around you,
but you don't let people step all over you. You
are your own person, and you are proud.
What Kind of Spirit Do You Have? With Pics
brought to you by Quizilla

Pretty Personality!
What personality do you have? ^o~
brought to you by Quizilla
A GIRLY-GIRL. You dont have a lot of self-esteem
and people are always bringing you down for
being sad. What do they know, anyway? You feel
like youre too mature for your age and are
frustrated by the trend-followers who refuse to
accept you because youre not like them.
Your virtues: Intelligence, understanding nature,
Your flaws: Lack of social life, inferiority
complex, timidity..
What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Cb major - life is full of complecations,
commitments and organisation. You love to make
sure everything is just perfect, but sometimes
this can cause you to fall over your own feet.
A slightly unsociable key: why Cb major when
you could be the identical Bmajor? It has less
what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Congratulations! You're Legolas!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Haha.. still on the LOTR mood... sighz.. did like one and a half days of last min christmas shopping~!~ Bleahz... town was bloody packed!!! ya.. was there till ilke 8 plus yesterday.. den today went over to united square to grab the remaining pressie for some ppl... Hahaha... sianz... hahaha. find it hard to lay my hands on the com nowadays.. my bro and sis are hooked onto gunbound.. hahaha.. maybe i should go try it.. quite a few ppl have been telling me how good it is.. Hiakz.. oh well.. later i going for dinner... den tmr going carolling after tt got some gathering.. bleahz... i feel so busy.. and Spy.. why haven you replied my msg yet?? still sleeping?? its almost 5 liaoz~!!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Sigheth... been running a temp since yesterday morning.. i conclude it is not enough sleep plus maybe too heaty.. HIakz.;. better today... but my throat feels dry.. but I'm not going to see a doctor... too sianz... anyway, i dun like to see doctors.. and taking medicine.. I just hope my body can produce enough anti-bodies to combat the virus.. haha... Anyway, i did a 1000 piece jigsaw after i can back from the chalet.. not bad arh... spent maybe 10 ++ hours on it.. HIakz...
Monday, December 15, 2003
Hey!! Haven been coming online for a few days liaoz.. Haha.. been busy packing my stuff.. yeah.. really packing out all those unwanted stuff including piano books from long long ago... and i dunno.. tons of sec sch work.. Hiakz.. yah.. found my Sec 1 and 2 exam papers.. Haha.. i actually filed them somewhere... yeah.. and i dunno.. a lot of other stuff lah.. Spent my whole afternoon packing and arranging... Bleahz.. cleared like what.. 7 bags of rubbish.. Hiakz...
Sigh.. tmr is gonna be a long day.. gotta go down pasir ris see if can change the BBQ date or not... den after that may still wanna go dye hair.. Dunno lah.. Spy arh.. my mum says that the food should go and buy on the way on that day.. Sianz... Haha.. shall decide tmr.. and yah.. I sort of started playing SIMS.. ermz.. yah.. still building the house.. HIakz... ok.. shall go continue my game liaoz.. tataz...
Sigh.. tmr is gonna be a long day.. gotta go down pasir ris see if can change the BBQ date or not... den after that may still wanna go dye hair.. Dunno lah.. Spy arh.. my mum says that the food should go and buy on the way on that day.. Sianz... Haha.. shall decide tmr.. and yah.. I sort of started playing SIMS.. ermz.. yah.. still building the house.. HIakz... ok.. shall go continue my game liaoz.. tataz...
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Spy arh.. you can put a pic of 'Babe-the pig' for me... Hiakz... Anyway, I'm finally back!! Its been a good 12 days lah.. though i missed prom and of course, all you ppl!! Hiakz... Sort of conquered my fears for rollercoasters and even startinf to like then.. cause after you go on it for the first time, you would be able to go on it repeatedly.. Hiakz...
Well.. the weather ther was good.. like cool temp... i bet Spy'll lurve it! you dun even have to wear thick clothing... just normal shorts and t shorts but you can feel the cool air all around... Den went massive shopping.. HIakz... bought a lot of stuff back!! Spy arh, i think i bought a pair of berms which may be even more 'AA" than yours.. Hiakz.. it is red!!! Haha...
OH well.. now its pay-back time though.. I'm coughing my lungs out and i gotta think this ultra bitter cough mixture... sianz.... this sucks!
Oh yah.. i miss the food here... the chinese food there sucksa! you really feel as if you are eatinf oil! Bleahz.. and they taste weird and bleahz.. Ok.. not all.. but most of them anyway~!~
Well.. the weather ther was good.. like cool temp... i bet Spy'll lurve it! you dun even have to wear thick clothing... just normal shorts and t shorts but you can feel the cool air all around... Den went massive shopping.. HIakz... bought a lot of stuff back!! Spy arh, i think i bought a pair of berms which may be even more 'AA" than yours.. Hiakz.. it is red!!! Haha...
OH well.. now its pay-back time though.. I'm coughing my lungs out and i gotta think this ultra bitter cough mixture... sianz.... this sucks!
Oh yah.. i miss the food here... the chinese food there sucksa! you really feel as if you are eatinf oil! Bleahz.. and they taste weird and bleahz.. Ok.. not all.. but most of them anyway~!~
Thursday, December 04, 2003
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