Haha.. I'm i a slack-y mood today.. woke up at 11.. Hiakz.. slept at 3... Haha.. just spoilt my plan for ermz.. waking up early. cause i figured i needed to get into exam mode... and be wide awake at 8 so i can tackle my papers... Haha.. anyway, decided not to go mugger palace.. Hiakz.. i need a breath of fresh air.. den tmr going to our fav haunt-yishun.. den hopefully can get some work done after i blog this. HIakz... Just feel like not doing anything..
DaRn~!~ talked to my mum about like everything last night... Maybe stress la.. peer pressure?? actually i also dun feel so stress...... but needed to get something off my mind.. Hiakz... Nah.. just underestimating myself.. but also dun dare to be too overconfident.. but also scared i cannnot make it.. Bleahz.. like so man emotions mixing~!~
Haha.. its raining, its pouring, the old man is snoring.. he went to bed and knocked his head and couldn't get up till morning!!!
Just being
bl. Ha!!! i think i really ought to get started.. so tataz!!! Dun miss me!! Hiakz... @_@